- Compute the condition number of the mapping inverse. 计算映射逆矩阵的条件数。
- The condition number, defined below, is changed by scaling the matrix. 调整矩阵的比例就改变了下面定义的条件数。
- The spectral condition number is a useful indicator of the quality of a preconditioner. 谱条件数是反映预处理因子性态是否良好的一个有效指标。
- The condition number of the preconditioned problem is proved to be optimal by some operators. 通过定义一些算子证明了预优问题的条件数是最优的。
- Meanwhile, it is proven that the condition number of the variable V-cycle multigrid preconditioner is uniformly bounded. 同时,证明了可变的V循环多重网格算子的条件数一致有界。
- The structural performances are evaluated from the condition number (CN) of equilibrium matrix, and CN and minimum eigenvalue of stiffness matrix. 根据平衡矩阵的条件数和刚度矩阵的条件数与最小特征值,评价基本单元的结构特征。
- Meanwhile, a variable $\cal{V}\mbox{-cycle}$ multigrid algorithm is presented, which provides a preconditioner with a uniformly bounded condition number. 同时,给出一种可变的V循环多重网格算法,得到一个条件数一致有界的预条件子。
- Since there is no finite element subspace of rotated Q1 finite element space, a special coarse space is used. we prove the condition number of preconditioned problem is optimal. 因为旋转Q1有限元空间不包含任何协调的有限元子空间,所以我们使用了特殊的粗网格空间。我们证明预优问题的条件数是最优的。
- The condition number is used as a criterion for the performance of this decorrelation method.The results show that the modified LLL Al-gorithm works better. 针对现有方法中的不足,提出了改进后的LLL方法,并利用条件数作为评判解相关程度的准则,证明其是切实可行的。
- To solve this problem, two key inequalities are presented.The inequalities are used to improving the smoothed complexity of condition number of symmetric matrix. 然后将这两个不等式用于对称矩阵条件数的平滑分析,得到更简单、更低的平滑复杂度;
- The room is equipped with air conditioning. 这个房间装有空调设备。
- He thumbed through the directory to look for her number. 他翻阅电话号码簿找寻她的号码。
- He equipped his car with air conditioning. 他给他的汽车装了空调。
- Let me note down your address and telephone number. 让我记下你的地址和电话号码。
- I want to buy a set of air conditioning. 我想买一台空调。
- He picked a winning number on the first draw. 他第一次便抽到一个中奖号码。
- The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. 沿海鱼的数量已减少了。
- This paper introduces cumulative GM Method, a new method to estimate their parameter. Though practice, we get the condition number of cumulative GM Method is litter commonly, these models belong to well-conditioned model. 引入累积法gm模型-一种新颖的参数估计方法,研究表明累积法gm模型条件数一般都较小,属于良态模型。
- The number represented by the digit or digits in2. 在释文2。中所说的由一位或几位数字表示的数。
- The students in our class number thirty. 我班总共有三十名学生。