- condenser level control valve 凝汽器水位调节阀
- Accumulator level control panel, descaling valves, stop valves, valve stands, pump unloading / control valves. 蓄水池液位控制盘;除垢阀;止动阀;阀杆;泵排量/控制阀.
- By fluviograph survey water level, after clear signal processing, inputs the control water level in PLC, then carries on the control by PLC to the water level control valve to adjust the water level. 由水位计测量水位,进行信号处理后输入控制水位的PLC中,然后由PLC对水位控制阀进行控制以调节水位。
- The rundown of Stripper bottom product is by level control acting on the Fractionator furnace pass control valves. 汽提塔底产品的排出由液位控制,该液位控制调控分馏塔加热炉通道控制阀。
- Ultrasonic liquid level control valve 超声波液位控制阀
- Condensate Receiver Tank(E1183) collect the condensate from ACC and Drain Pot, and the condensate will be pump to Deaerate through Condensate Pump, and the Condensate Level controled by the Level transmeter(LT450) and Switch (LS451, LS452). 凝结水回收箱(E1183)收集空气冷凝器及集液箱中的中的凝结水,其中的凝结水由液位变送器(LT450)及液位开关(LS451,LS452)对凝结水泵(它方供货)的电机(它方供货)进行控制,凝结水被送到除氧器。
- Using Speed-control Technology to Prevent Separator's Liquid Level Control Valve From Gas and Sand Corrosion 采用速度控制技术解决分离器液位控制阀气蚀和砂蚀
- Wuxi ChengXin Auto Control Valve Co., Ltd. 无锡市诚信自控阀门有限公司。
- Adjustable float for optimum water level control. 通过调节浮球能保持最佳水位。
- Rethink your control valve maintenance. 采用新的诊断工具提高控制阀维修的可靠性。
- Solving Cavitaiton and Sand Erosion Problems in Separator Level Control Valves 解决分离器液位调节阀的气蚀和砂蚀问题
- The equipment includs: 1) Atmosphere condenser (optional item), 2) Cascade tank body(observation tank,filter tank, receiver), 3) Level gauge, 4) Level controller, 5)Ball float water inlet valve, 6) Salinometer, 7) Inlet/outlet valve, etc. 设备模块主要包括:1、大气冷凝器(可选);2、热井本体(观察柜、过滤柜、贮存柜);3、液位计;4、液位控制器;5、浮球式补水阀;6、盐度计;7、进出口阀等等组成。
- You can use Automatic Level Control only if Monitor is set to Off. 如果监听器设定为“关闭”,则只能使用自动电平控制。
- A Graphical Method for compensation of control Valve Performance. 控制阀特性补偿的图解方法。
- Control valve in an air system for setting volume and pressure. 为了保持流量和压力的空气系统的控制阀门。
- Ability of extension for remote control or flow control valve. 可扩充发展成远程控制,或流量控制设备。
- RF Radio Frequency Level Controller. RF系列射频导纳式物位控制器。
- Manifolds can be added to a control valve sealing device. 可以给阀组加一个阀的密封控制装置。
- The system consists of feedwater pump control, adjusting valve level control, safety and alarm devices. 该系统包括给水泵控制、调节阀阀位控制以及安全保护和报警。
- Constant temperature water heated device, constant water level control system. 恒温水加热装配、恒水位保持系统。