- condenser ionization chamber [医] 电容器电离室
- A gas-filled ionization chamber uses this principle. 充气电离室就是利用这一原理。
- The instrument consists of an argon-filled well type ionization chamber, a MOSFET electrometer and a Z80 microcomputer. 本文介绍的智能化核素活度计由充氩井型电离室、MOS场效应管静电计测量头和Z80微型计算机组成。
- Describes the working principle, failure analysis and maintenance of ionization chamber for Elekta linear accelerator. 简要介绍了直线加速器电离室的工作原理、故障分析、维修与保养方法。
- This paper describes mostly course of the developing and debugging process of a grid ionization chamber. 本论文主要描述了一个屏栅电离室的研制过程以及对它的性能的调试。
- Figure 2-11 illustrates guarding as applied to measuring the ion current (IC) from an ionization chamber. 图2-11说明保护技术应用于测量电离室的离子电流。
- Tentative result indicates that the ionization chamber has perfect saturation characteristic. 初步实验标定的结果表明,该电离室具有良好的饱和特性。
- The leakage resistance (RL) is due to the insulator of the ionization chamber and the coax cable insulation. 漏泄电阻(RL)是由于电离室的绝缘体和同轴电缆绝缘造成的。
- Using the grid ionization chamber method and small solid angle method,the number of 238U nucleus in the highly pure U3O8 sample is determined. 用屏栅电离室法和小立体角法测量了高纯度U3O8样品中的238U核素数目。
- On the basis of high-sensitive testing technique of the ionization chamber, a general purpose photoionization detector is developed. 开发了基于高灵敏度电离室检测技术的通用型光离子化检测器。
- In quick scanning radiography system, the time respond speed of array gas ionization chamber effects the image clarity directly. 在快速辐射扫描成像系统中,阵列气体电离室时间响应速度的快慢将直接影响图像的清晰度。
- Abstract: Using the grid ionization chamber method and small solid angle method,the number of 238U nucleus in the highly pure U3O8 sample is determined. 文摘:用屏栅电离室法和小立体角法测量了高纯度U3O8样品中的238U核素数目。
- This system consists of high pressure ionization chamber detector filled with Xe gas, 8051 single chip control unit and low current measuring amplifier. 该监测系统采用高气压氙气电离室作为探测器,以8051单片计算机作为控制主机,电路上采用弱电流测量方法。
- This method is based on analyzing the induced signals of double grid of an ionization chamber to determine the electron-drift time between the two grids. 通过分析电子在双栅电离室中两个栅极上产生的感应信号波形来确定电子漂移的起止时刻,从而得出电子在一定约化场强下的漂移速率。
- Inside the bucket, xenon gas from the propellant tank flows into an ionization chamber where an electromagnetic field tears electrons off the xenon gas atoms to create a plasma. 在这个光电桶中,氙气由推进剂槽流入离子化室,离子化室中的电磁场使气态氙原子的电子脱离,形成电浆。
- The paper gives the system's function, hardware and software, and the measured results of the system are compared with that of the RSS1013 ionization chamber. 对其功能、组成的软、硬件作了介绍,并且将测量结果与美国RSS1013型电离室作了比较。
- The traditional X-ray exposure control methd is done with Ionization chamber or photodetector, which adds the complexsity and cost to the whole imaging system. 传统X线曝光控制方法是通过电离室或光电倍增管完成,增加了整个X线机的复杂度和制造成本。
- Methods Using the PTW Marcus 23343 type fixed-separation parallel-plate ionization chamber in a special ph an tom(PMMA), the change of photon dose buildup region was measured with rectificat ion of Bruce empirical formula. 方法 采用PTWMarcus2 3343型平行板电离室在专用的有机玻璃模体 (PMMA)中测量光子线建成区剂量的变化情况 ,采用Bruce等介绍的经验公式对测量结果进行修正。
- The author, in parallel with Krcmar, is experimenting with giant ionization chambers. 本文作者与克尔马克尔正在同时试验巨型电离室。
- Water flows from the condenser to the ash room. 水从冷凝器流出,流入灰浆室。