- Upside down pour concrete by pump 泵送顶升浇灌法
- Possibility to control the flow rate by Pump. 由蠕动泵调节盐溶流量。
- The worker made concrete by mixing cement, sand, small stones with water. 表示。例如:这个工人把水泥、沙子、石子与水拌和在一起,制作混凝土。
- Value of infusion chemotherapy by pump on advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. 皮下泵化疗对原发性晚期肝癌的治疗价值。
- concrete by pump 泵送混凝土
- When 40% to 50% fly-ash used in it, the increasing strength of lean concrete by age is the largest. 粉煤灰掺量为40%25和50%25时,贫混凝土的强度随龄期而增长的幅度最高;
- The damping effect is also affected by pump pressure, volume of air chamber and the prefill pressure in chamber. 改变泵压、空气包容积和充气压力等参数,对排出液体的脉动衰减有较大影响。
- This article tries to find same technologies of imitating wood with concrete by studying archaizing tectonics. 通过对其仿古构造分析,寻找一些混凝土仿木技术。
- Currently,the method of prefabricating concrete high strength wall by pump transporting is still without successful precedent in our country. 目前,采用泵送法预制高强度混凝土井壁,在国内尚无成功的先例。
- Al-Sulaimani GJ, Sharif AM, Basunbul IA, Baluch MH, Ghaleb BN. Shear repair for reinforced concrete by fibreglass plate bonding. ACI Struct J 1994. 任海东,黄承逵,于建,玻璃纤维布用于加固钢筋混凝土梁抗剪性能研究,混凝土,2003(5):35-37
- This paper investigates bond and anchor performance of FRP tendons concrete by felting test of 19 symmetrical pull specimens and 9 pull-out specimens. 本文通过19个对拉试件和9个拔出试件的粘结试验,对FRP筋与混凝土的粘结锚固性能做了相应的研究。
- Studied on separating retainer from matrix cemneting component in waste concrete by heat treatment and mechanical milling method. 利用热处理与机械粉碎相结合的方法进行了废弃混凝土中骨料与基质胶凝组分的分离试验研究。
- This paper discussed apply of modified fly ash vesicant concrete by way of the biologic padding of contact oxidation in sewage transaction. 摘要本文讨论了改性粉煤灰加气混凝土作为接触氧化生物填料在污水处理中的应用。
- To keep the head above water while in an upright position by pumping the legs. 踩水身体直立时通过蹬脚使头部露在水面以上
- The trophectoderm maintains the pressure by pumping the fluid into the caity. 滋养层通过向腔内泵入液体来维持这种压力。
- Vacuum packaging is produced by pumping all the air out of the package. 真空的包装都是用抽气机把空气抽出的。
- Restraining the shrinkage and crack of concrete by using of expansive agent has been an effective controlling method since the setting of shrinkage-compensating theory. 自补偿收缩理论建立以来,采用混凝土膨胀剂抑制混凝土的收缩开裂是行之有效的控制方法。
- Saenz, L.P., Discussion of “Equation for the Stress-Strain Curve of Concrete” by Desayi, P. and Krishnan, S., ACI Journal, Vol. 61, No. 9, 1964, pp. 1229-1235. 陈致良,”钢管混凝土柱受轴压与弯矩之行为分析”,国立成功大学土木工程系,硕士论文,民国九十一年六月。
- Al-Sulaimani GJ, SharifAM, Basunbul IA, Baluch MH, Ghaleb BN. Shear repair for reinforced concrete by fibreglass plate bonding. ACI Struct J 1994.91 (3):458-64. 吴刚;安琳;吕志涛;碳纤维布用于钢筋混凝土梁抗剪加固的试验研究;建筑结构;2000;30(7):16-20.
- In three desilting tunnels of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Project, over 70% tunnel wall were lined with non cohesive pre stressed concrete by the post tensioning method. 小浪底水利枢纽工程的3条排沙洞,洞身70%25以上采用后张法无粘结预应力混凝土衬砌。