- We will make some concession in price. 我们将在价格上做些让步。
- concession civiiizatation 租界文化
- I hope you can make some concession. 我希望你能做些让步。
- There is a call for the concession of certain rights. 要求承认某些权利。
- She run a jewellery concession in the hotel lobby. 她在饭店大厅经营着一个获特许权的珠宝店。
- At last, their company obtained the mining concession. 他们的公司最终获得了采矿权。
- As a concession to her inexperience they allow her to have some help. 他们体谅她缺乏经验,允许她获得些帮助。
- Expressing concession, as the conjunction though. 让步从句的表示让步的,如连词虽然
- Can we each make some concession? 我们能不能双方都作些让步?
- Ms Li, I very much appreciate your concession. 李女士,我很感谢你的让步。
- He won the food concession for the town hall. 他获得向市政厅提供食品的特许权。
- As a concession to her inexperience they allowed her to have some help. 他们体谅她缺乏经验,允许她获得些帮助。
- They interpreted her silence as concession. 他们把她的沈默解释为让步。
- Had an ice-cream concession in the subway station. 在地铁站拥有一家冰淇淋分店
- The holder or operator of a concession. 权利的受让人特许权的拥有者或实行者
- Use concession as fund raising method. 特许经营被当作引资手段。
- In 621 BC came the first concession. 公元前621年迎来了第一次立法权。
- But this was a formidable concession. 但是,这已经是骇人听闻的让步了。
- I put them in good humour by this concession. 我作出些让步,使他们高兴起来。
- They went to the concession stand to get a hot dog. 他们去小吃摊买热狗。