- concentration ratio of shares 股权集中度
- The P / E tells you the ratio of share price to earnings. 市盈率指的是每股市价与每股税后净利润的比率。
- The result of experiment shows that the hardness will increase and the plating rate will decrease with the rising of concentration ratio of nickel sulfate and hypophosphite. 最后的试验结果表明,在其它条件不变的情况下,随着镍磷摩尔浓度比的增大,镀层硬度逐渐上升,而镀速逐渐下降;
- When NiO/CeO2 with 5 wt % Ni as the catalyst for the reducing of CO, experimental results reveal that the feed concentration ratio of CO to NO being 2 provides higher conversion of NO. 首先,我们制备各种不同金属氧化物担体触媒,再以填充床反应器来测定他们的活性与效能,并探讨各种操作条件对转化率之影响。
- He buy a block of share in mark and spencer. 他购买了“麦克斯和斯潘塞百货联销店”的大宗股份。
- The ratio of students to teachers is 35:1. 学生和老师的比率是三十五比一。
- The ratio of schoolboys to schoolgirls is 2 to 1. 男学生和女学生的比例是2比1。
- He bought a block of shares in Mark and Spencer. 他购买了“麦克斯和斯潘塞百货联销店”的大宗股份。
- The initial concentration of 4-chlorophenol will affect the cometabolism when concentration ratios of growth substrate to non-growth substrate is a fixed value. 4-氯酚的初始投加量也会影响共代谢的效果,当生长基质和非生长基质的投加比例相同时,初始4-氯酚浓度低时的一组,在整个过程中4-氯酚的降解百分率较高。
- Men outnumber women here in the ratio of three to one. 此地男子数量以三比一超过女子。
- concentration ratio of audit market 审计市场集中度
- The share sell at a p/e ratio of 7. 这些股票以7的价格收益比率售出。
- concentration ratio of financial power 财权集中度
- Offer to buy all or a majority of share in a company so as to control it. 提议购买一公司的全部或大部分股票,目的是为了控制它。
- The price of shares dropped by 14p. 股价下跌了14便士。
- It implied a huge derating of shares. 这表明了股票的大幅贬值。
- Concentration ratios of formaldehyde/acetaldehyde and acetaldehyde/propionaldehyde showed that anthropogenic sources were the main sources of carbonyl compounds in the atmosphere of Guangzhou. 甲醛/乙醛、乙醛/丙醛质量浓度比值显示广州大气中羰基化合物主要与人为来源有关。
- Moldova voted in large holdings of shares? 中投增持大摩股份?
- For very high hardness of water in north area, new technology is applied to increase concentrating ratio of circulating cooling water to meet with the code, ensuring long period operation of plants. 对于北方地区高硬度水质,采用新技术和改变管理理念,提高循环冷却水浓缩倍数,保证了循环冷却水质的各项指标,为生产装置长周期运行创造了条件。