There is a vast store of knowledge in the world on every conceivable subject. 世人能想得到的每一个学科都蕴藏着极为丰富的知识。
It also isn't possible for standard derivatives contracts to hedge every conceivable risk, he cautioned. 他提醒说,不可能用标准的衍生工具合约来对冲所有能想得到的风险。
It is conceivable, though, that an exotic alternative form of life could exist under more extreme conditions of dryness or temperature. 然而,可想像的是,另类的生命形式可能在更极端的乾燥或温度条件下存活。
Any conceivable merger would involve a foreign company. 可能的合并伙伴应当是一家外国公司。
Colonel Wilck's men fought back, from every conceivable hiding place. 威克上校守城部队从任何可能的隐藏之处发起反击。