- computer main frequency 计算机主频
- They added these circuit boards to the computer main board. 他们将这些电路板加工成电脑的主机板。
- computer main frequence 计算机主频
- The combustion cycle is the main reason of both cutting waviness and main frequency of optical signal. 结果表明,燃烧循环理论不仅是切割面波纹形成的主要因素,也是光信号主频产生的主要原因。
- SMGA can align a data set of average length 5M of 9 enterobacterial genomic sequences in about 35min on a PC whose main frequency is 2.8G. SMGA在一台主频2.;8G的PC机上完成平均长度约5M的9条有机菌基因组的多重比对的时间大约为35min。
- The results show that the main frequency of the acoustic signal increases with the shape change of the ripple spring located under the slot wedge. 研究表明在波纹板的弹性范围内,随着波纹板形变量的加大,测得的声信号能量谱图中主频率值逐渐增加。
- Then the graph of the changes of group and energy velocity with the length of cutoff region and the main frequency of the wave packet is received. 计算了波包穿越势垒的群速和能量速度,得到群速和能速与截止区长度的关系图,以及群速与激励源的工作频率的关系图。
- When melting cast iron f or rollers in main frequency induction furnace,the recarburization of the molte n iron could be effectively achieved by using new types of recarburizer. 用工频电炉熔炼铸铁轧辊时,采用新型增碳剂可以有效地解决铁液的增碳问题。
- It is indicated that the grid space has a function of low-pass filter, so the main frequency component of the hypocenter should be far away from the cut frequency to insure the accuracy of results. 研究还表明,剖分网格有低通滤波作用,因而在正演时应使激发源的主要频率远离网格的截止频率,以保证精度。
- In most modern computers main memory is volatile which means that it looses its memory when the power is removed. 现在很多电脑在电源被切断的时候.;储存内容有可能被毁坏
- When the length of cutoff region is so long or the main frequency is so high to approach the cutoff frequency, the main frequency of wave packet is so high to exceed the cutoff frequency. 电场频谱图显示波包的频谱明显上移,而且当截止区长度足够大时,或者输入波频率趋近于截止区截止频率时,波包的峰值频率甚至超过了截止区的截止频率。
- A main feature of computer virus. 计算机病毒的一种主要特性。
- Before the bubbly flow transits to cap-bubbly flow, the growth rate of void fraction wave becomes the maximum value when the disturbance frequency is close to the main frequency of void fraction wave. 空隙率波的增长系数求解结果表明,泡状流向弹帽泡状流转化时,空隙率波对有限扰动是不稳定的,并对扰动的频率有所选择。当扰动频率与空隙率波的主控频率相近时,空隙率波呈最大增长状态。
- Testing tools for computer main plate function 电脑主板功能测试治具
- The crucible refractory XL901 of the mains frequency coreless furnace for melting copper including its main properties and the choice ofadditives, agglutinants etc. is introduced. 介绍工频无心熔铜炉炉村耐火材料XL901的烧结剂和外加剂的选择,XL901的主要性能指标等。
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷贝是出现在纸上、印刷上或图表上的电脑输出。
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。
- Melting characteristics of MF induction furnace have been expounded with comparison with that of mains frequency induction furnace as well as concerns in operation. 论述了中频感应电炉的特点,与工频感应电炉熔炼特性的比较及其操作注意事项。
- They kept badgering him to get a home computer. 他们一直纠缠着要他买一台电脑。
- The article introduces the complex lining structure, lining compound and laying tecgnology oa the 1.2t mains frequency coreless induction furnace for melting Al. 本文介绍1.;2t无心感应熔铝炉的复合炉衬结构;炉衬材料的配方及筑炉工艺。