- Jianfeng Computer Information Systems Co., Ltd. 尖峰计算机系统有限公司。
- Journal of Computer Information Systems. 计算机信息系统杂志。
- Proofing of goods to all computer information management . 对厂商做资料管理,并定期开发新的厂商。
- Any system which can transfer the computer information from one user's file to another and wait for collection. 可将计算机信息由一个用户传送至另一用户文件并等待收集的任何系统。
- It is studied that the computer information technology is applied to the construction of railway construction. 本文旨在研究计算机信息技术在铁道建筑工程施工中应用,提出了铁道建筑工程信息化施工的主要内容;
- Start early and build a good base of reliable references you can use to find out new computer information. 启动得早而且建立你能使用发现新的计算机信息的一个可靠参考的好基础。
- By the development of computer technique, computer information management system has become a hot topic. 随着计算机技术的迅速发展,计算机信息管理系统已成为热门话题。
- To inspect computer information management system of a securities firm and copy relevant data materials. (四)检查证券公司的计算机信息管理系统,复制有关数据资料。
- Illegally invade the computer information system offense is an outstanding and new kind of computer crime. 非法侵入计算机信息系统罪是当前较为突出的新型计算机犯罪。
- It is rare that the doer did not do nothingafter he illegally intruded the computer information system. 行为人非法侵入计算机信息系统后什么也不干即自行离开的情形是极少见的,它们往往伴随着某种后续行为。
- This paper explores the hierarchy protection on the national computer information system. 介绍了国家的计算机信息系统安全等级保护。
- A device that allows computer information to be transmitted and received over a telephone line or through broadband services such as cable or DSL. 一种可用于通过电话线或宽带服务(例如电缆或DSL)传输信息或接收计算机信息的设备。
- The crime that illegally invade computer information system is a kind of misdeed that using internet to commit and the outcome is being most serious. 摘要非法侵入计算机信息系统犯罪,是利用计算机网络进行犯罪且后果最为严重的一种犯罪。
- In the field of computer information management,data basesystem is transferring from dBASE/FoxBase to ORACLE,INGRES,INFORMIX and etc. 在计算机信息管理领域,数据库技术正在从低档数据库(如dBASE,FoxBase 等)向高档数据库(如ORACLE,INGRES,INFORMIX 等)过渡。 需要解决的一个技术问题就是将耗费大量人力、物力、财力和时间录入低档库中的数据自动地转换成高档库能够存取的数据。
- Land Information System (LIS) is the computer information system with land resources arid assets management as working objects. 摘要土地信息系统是以土地资源与资产管理为工作对象的计算机信息系统。
- ITSP computer technic(apply&service)center be part of shanghai JILI computer information project Co.,LTD.Engage in computer IT service job. 艾特思普计算机技术应用与服务中心是隶属于上海冀立计算机信息工程有限公司的一个专业从事计算机IT外包服务的部门。
- METHODS Based on UV convolution spectrum with PLS method, we used convolution spectrometry of computer information process technology. 方法以紫外褶合光谱为基础,结合PLS法,利用计算机信息处理技术的褶合曲线分析法。
- Some criterion apt destroys blame of computer information system, think the safety of serious minatory network runs the suspect's behavior. 有的则倾向于破坏计算机信息系统罪,认为嫌疑人的行为严重威胁网络的安全运行。
- The Company has committed to the computer information network technology and the introduction and development, IT product sales, system integration. 本公司一直致力于计算机信息及网络技术的引进和开发、IT产品销售、系统集成。
- The computer information technology is a newfashioned subject, the audit methodology is the important composing contents of the modern internal audit. 计算机信息技术是一门新兴学科,内部审计则是审计的重要组成部分。