- computer education innovation 计算机教育创新
- What Does the Educational Innovation Call on? 教育创新呼唤什么?
- In our country, bilingual teaching has been the hotspot in education innovation. 摘要双语教学已经成为我国教育改革的热点。
- We need to push on with initiatives like Higher Education Innovation Fund and the Technology Strategy Board. 我们需要推进诸如高等教育创新基金和技术战略委员会这样的创意。
- Tao Xing Zhi, the great people's eclucationist, held that experiment is the only way to education innovation. 摘要伟大的人民教育家陶行知先生认为,试验是教育创新的必由之路。
- With popularity of computer education, computer labs in many schools have installed multi media teaching software. 摘要随着计算机教育的普及,学校机房大多安装了多媒体教学软件。
- The first generation of ITE(computer education age): focus on computer hardware, program design, file processing etc. 第一代信息技术教育(電腦教育時代):重視電腦的硬體結構和程式設計、演算語言、文件處理等.
- Adhere to Education Innovation; Deepen Education Reform; Optimize Education Resources; Try Hard to Improve Education Quality. 坚持教育革新深化教育改革优化教育资源努力提高教育质量。
- To lighten the students learning overburden virtually is one of the key to deepen the basic education innovation and improve the teaching quality. 切实减轻中小学生过重课业负担也是深化当前基础教育改革、提高教育质量的一个关键。
- I choose this university because I think Montana State University is an excellent university in the US and its computer education is also very good. 因为蒙大拿大学是美国一个非常好的大学,并且它的计算机教育也非常优秀,所以我选择了这个学校。
- Discussing the information support effect in the education innovation activities from three respects:information function,information communication and information bombarding. 从信息职能、信息交流、信息轰击三个方面,论述了信息对教育创新活动的支持功效。
- As to the current computer education in higher vocational and technical colleges, it has been a deserved research to study how to conduct specialty construction. 摘要对于目前高职高专学校计算机类专业教育,如何进行专业建设一直是一个非常值得研究的课题。
- This paper was fulfilled by combining the present chemistry education innovation trend, imbibing the formers’ research production and teaching experience. 本文是在结合当前化学教育改革的趋势,吸取前人的研究成果和教学经验的基础上完成的。
- The course,numerical analysis,plays an important role in computer science and technology education,and it is one of the important teaching reform contents of computer education. 数值分析课程在计算机科学与技术学科中占有非常重要的地位,它已成为计算机专业教学改革的重要内容之一。
- Education innovation,self-discipline in running the school,optimum distribution of education resources,supervision and a good management are effective ways of nurturing Mast... 坚持内涵改革和办学自律、整合教育资源、创新监控与管理机制是强化地方院校工程硕士研究生培养工作特色的有效途径。
- Moreover, many students have nowhere to practice with warm hands, resulting in a lack of practical experience and the ability to develop, directly affecting the quality of computer education. 而另一方面,许多大学生空有热情却无处练手,导致实际开发能力与经验的不足,直接影响到了大学的计算机教育质量。
- MIT continues to develop new resources for faculty and students, educational innovation, and other key priorities. 麻省理工继续开发新的资源,师生、教育创新以及其它重点。
- With the development and popularization of computer education, college computer laboratories are being utilized in such higher frequency that the malfunction is always occurring about the hardware. 随着计算机教育的普及与发展,学校计算机实验室的使用频率越来越高,电脑硬件故障时有发生。
- Therefore, how to cultivate high-quality doctors in higher education field, and to establish a matchable cultivating model, which is one critical undertaking of doctoral education innovation. 如何培养出高质量的高等教育学博士生,并建立一种与之相适应的培养模式,是目前我国博士生教育改革中的一个重要课题。
- It s necessary and the choice of new era to construct Chinese Lan guage educational theory on the basis of educational innovation. 面对21世纪人才激烈竞争的世界格局,本着继承发展、推陈出新的精神,立足教育创新构建语文教育理论,这是历史发展的必然与新时代的抉择。