- Good understand to the computer architecture and operating system. 熟练掌握计算机结构和运行系统。
- Long Guoping, born in 1982. Master candidate. His main research interest is computer architecture. 龙国平,1982年生,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为计算机体系结构。
- Before looking too deeply into computer architecture, we must first look at the basics. 在深入了解计算机系统结构之前,我们必须先了解计算机的基础。
- NCACN refers to the Network Computing Architecture connection-oriented protocol. NCACN是指网络计算结构面向连接协议。
- Come the age of huge scale chip, the research on computer architecture faces new tasks: How to use numerous transistors? 在巨大规模芯片时代来临的时候,体系结构的研究又遇到了新的课题:如何有效利用数目众多的晶体管?
- Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach. John L.Hennessy, David A.Patterson. 计算机体系结构-量化研究方法,第三版。
- She took one year out to write a book on computing architecture, which received critical acclaim from the IT industry. 她用了一年写了一本计算机体系结构方面的书,这本书收到了。
- Hwang K.Advanced Computer Architecture:Parallelism,Scalability,Programmability[M].McGraw-Hill,Inc 1993. 张晨曦.;计算机体系结构[M]
- Parallel Computer Architecture, A Hardware/Software Approach(Second Edition). David E.Culler等著. 并行计算机系统结构。机械出版社。中/英文都可以。
- All software is written for a specific computer architecture, such as the Intel-based 32-bit architecture. 所有的软件为一个特定的计算机架构,像是以英代尔为主的32个位元结构被写。
- Deng Yu, born in 1977, Ph.D. candidate. His main research interests is computer architecture. 邓宇,男,1977年生,博士研究生,研究方向为计算机体系结构。
- Familiarity with computer architecture, compiler internals, and even other languages such as the Java language helps you digest the material. 熟悉计算机体系结构、编译器内部机制、甚至是Java?语言等其他语言,有助于深入理解这些内容。
- Like Chapter 5, Chapter 6 presumes knowledge of computer architecture, and at least some experience in programming assembly language. 类似于第5章,第6章假定读者具有计算机体系结构知识,并且至少有一些汇编语言编程的经验。
- In this paper, after the analysis of software model and the development of computer architecture, J2EE model and MVC model are discussed in detail. 本文在对软件开发模型和体系结构的发展进行分析后,详细讨论了J2EE分布式体系结构,并对MVC设计模式进行深入地研究。
- Following the lead of researchers at universities and laboratories across the US, commercial chip designers now take a quantitative approach to computer architecture. 在美国各地大学和实验室研究者们的领导下,商业的芯片设计者如今将定量方法引进到计算机结构体系之中。
- Tang yu hua, born in 1962, professor. Her main research interests include computer architecture,computer networks and large scale integrated circuit. 唐玉华;女;1962年生;教授;主要研究方向为计算机体系结构;计算机网络和大规模集成电路等.
- Patterson D A, Hennessy J L, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 2 Ed., San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1995. 李学干;苏东庄;计算机系统结构;西安电子科技大学出版社;1991年.
- The cloud computing architecture used by Google results in your unique index being distributed across the globe, and eliminates those latencies. 由于只适用于时间性很强的网页设计资讯(如新闻),很多地方都用不上。
- Firstly, the appropriate architecture of information-shared system of RITS is put forward based on the current distributed computing architecture. 同时研究数据集成模式及数据集成方式,最后建立信息共享系统的总体结构.
- David A P, John L H. Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach Second Edition[M]. Pekin: China Machine Press 1999.9. 郑纬民;汤先忠.;计算机系统结构:第二版[M]