- Evolution Computation and Computation Intelligence 演化计算与计算智能
- A new computational intelligence method was established by combining particle swarm optimization (PSO) and back propagating (BP) neural network. 摘要将粒子群算法(PSO)和BP神经网络相结合,构建了一种新型智能结构优化算法。
- Artificial immune system has become a new embranchment in computing intelligence for its good self-learning, self-adaptability, and robusticity. 人工免疫系统具备强大的自学习、自适应,鲁棒性等能力,已发展成为计算智能研究的一个崭新的分支。
- Current computer intelligence excels at depth calculation, performing calculations in seconds that would take you or me days. 当前的计算机智能在深度计算--即:数秒钟完成要你我数天去完成的计算--上表现优异。
- In a psychological description of the computer intelligence, three related adjectives come to mind: single-minded, literal-minded, and simpleminded. 在对计算机智能的心理学描述中,三个相互关联的形容词即浮现于我们的脑际:思维单一化、思维拘泥刻板、以及思维简单化。
- Recently, bacterial foraging optimization (BFO) algorithm comes forth as a new evolutionary computation intelligent technique. 菌群优化(BFO)算法是近年来出现的一种新型仿生智能优化算法。
- In this paper we discuss the method of building Data Warehouse in the loan manage of the bank, and the application of the computing intelligence (AI) in data mining. 本文探讨了在银行信贷管理中的数据仓库的建模方法;及其在数据仓库基础上的数据发掘的计算智能方法的应用.
- Probably, life quality promotes once more in the future, computer intelligence becomes a kind more all-pervading living conditions, that also should see an individual need. 或许,生活质量日后再度提升,电脑智能变成一种更为普及的生活条件,那也要看个人需要。
- Y. Shi and R. Eberhart, “A Modified Particle Swarm Optimizer,” Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Anchorage, AK,May 1998, pp. 69-73. 陈庆翰,许世贤,曾俊杰和徐子恒,基于粒子群最佳化之模糊推论系统适应性学习,中华民国模糊协会2001年研讨会。
- Now data mining has become a subject, which involved lots of science domain and technology especially in combining with Computational Intelligence (CI). 聚类算法是数据挖掘中的核心技术之一,在整个数据挖掘过程中有着非常重要的作用。
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- It's also pointed out that the progress in technologies of servo drive and computational intelligence show promise for future development of precision inj... 指出先进的伺服驱动技术和计算机智能控制技术的不断发展将为精密注射成型技术提供更为广阔的发展空间。
- The boy evinces great intelligence. 这个男孩表现出很高的智慧。
- Addition and division are forms of computation. 加法和除法都是计算方法。
- Abstract: Introduced the design, function and feature of the system about fire auto-alarm and fire fighting blocking, using computer intelligence technology, it was built up at the distribution message and control theory. 文摘:介绍了建立在分布式信息与控制理论基础上的计算机智能化火灾报警及消防联动系统的设计、功能及特点。
- It will cost 5000 at the lowest computation. 估计最少也值5000英镑。
- The Japanese perfected the technique of combining well-educated human beings and networked computer intelligence into one seamless companywide network to ensure uncompromised quality. 日本人对这种把接受过良好教育的人和网络化的计算机智能在公司范围内无缝地整合到一个网络之中以保证产品质量可以不打折扣的技术做了完善。
- She's not lacking in intelligence. 她并不缺乏学识。
- You should use your intelligence. 你应该发挥你的聪明才智。
- The boys were given an intelligence test. 那些孩子们接受了智力测验。