- I think it is compulsory to look over the house. 我认为检查这栋房子势在必行。
- compulsory slaughter 强制屠宰,强迫屠宰
- Is military service compulsory in your country? 你们国家实行义务兵役制吗?
- Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory. 参加晚祷并非硬性规定。
- Is English a compulsory subject? 英语是必修科目吗?
- Massive slaughter, as in war; a massacre. 大屠杀大规模杀戮,如战争中的大屠杀; 屠宰
- After the slaughter, the battlefield was a gruesome sight. 经过这场厮杀,战场上一派触目惊心的惨状。
- Every one must receive9 years of compulsory education. 每人必须接受九年的义务教育。
- A young animal, such as a lamb or calf, fattened for slaughter. 肥畜养肥备宰的幼畜(如羊羔、牛犊)
- Slaves resist the slaughter of them. 奴隶们反抗对他们的杀戮。
- Education is compulsory for children in most countries. 多数国家对儿童实施义务教育。
- These oxen are marked out for slaughter. 这些牛是挑出来屠宰的。
- An ax having a hammer face opposite the blade, used to slaughter cattle. 屠斧一端有刃一端有锤面的斧子,用来屠宰牲畜
- I be really terrified to witness the slaughter . 我亲眼目睹这场屠杀,真是吓坏了。
- I think compulsory education is obligatory. 我认为义务教育制是必须履行的。
- Pilotage is compulsory in Hong Kong waters. 领航在香港水域是强制性的。
- He had no strong feelings about human slaughter. 他对人类残杀没有强烈的感情。
- There is a campaign against those hunters who mercilessly slaughter baby seals. 一场反对那些残酷屠杀小海豹的猎手的运动正在展开。
- Compulsory enrollment in the armed forces; conscription. 征兵军队的义务服役的注册; 征兵
- He waded through slaughter [blood] to the throne. 他行杀戮而得王位。