- I try to find a compromise solution. 我会尝试寻求折衷方案。
- Hence, the term "round table" is also used figuratively to refer to a peaceful way of achieving a compromise solution. 由此可见圆桌会议此词亦可比喻为以和平手段寻求解决问题的方法。
- Both of these "clearance" procedures typically give rise to extensive negotiations between OMB staff and agency officials, and usually a compromise solution is reached. 上述两种“清除”程序典型地引发了在管理和预算办公室工作人员与机关官员之间广泛的协商谈判,通常都可达成某种妥协办法。
- A stroke of genius made reality, created with cutting-edge materials, this is the no compromise solution for in-kit sound production. 大师级的制作,尖端的材料,套装音响的完美组合。
- A compromise solution, between secular scepticism and a psychological need for the sacred, was offered by the Greek philosopher Epicurus. 希腊哲学家伊壁鸠鲁提出又一解答,折衷了非宗教的怀疑主义与对宗教的心理需要。
- "Serbia is willing to work to find a compromise solution, to find a solution that is going to be acceptable for both us and the Kosovar Albanians," said Vuk Jeremic. 他说:“塞尔维亚愿意在这个问题上做出一些让步,努力找出一个让我方和科索沃的阿尔巴尼亚族裔都能够满意的解决办法。
- On numerous occasions relationships deteriorated to within an inch of all out war, but through the efforts of CONCORD a compromise solution has always been found. 在一些时候,国家间的关系恶化到几乎要付储于战争,而通过CONCORD的斡旋,通常会达到双方妥协并和平解决争端。
- For carriers insisting on clinging to copper, a compromise solution is taking shape in which the latest DSL (digital subscriber line) technology serves as the last link. 对那些无法舍弃铜质电缆的业者来说,折衷办法正在渐渐成形:以新近的数位用户线(DSL)技术来完成最终的连结。
- Consequently, the PLP method yields a set of efficient compromise solutions and overall degree of DM satisfaction with the determined objective values. 最后,特举一产业个案进行模式测试并与传统决策模式进行比较,藉以分析及归纳本文PLP方法在实际应用上的重要管理意涵。
- So, please send a fax to the CCPIT with your company title stating that we have already concluded the compromised solution. 所以,请你以你们名义发个传真给CCPIT,告诉他们我们两者之间已经达成了调解方案。
- He did it without compromise of his dignity. 他做这事而不损及他的尊严。
- There are sources tell CNN,their compromising solution will not think of the right of public option,but tax the huge heathcare medication. 有消息来源告诉CNN,虽然他们的折衷方案将不再考虑公众的选择权,但是却会对庞大的医疗保险计划征税。
- It's a pity if we can not compromise on it. 如果我们不能在这点上互相让步,那太可惜了。
- The agreement is a compromise, not a sell-out. 这个协议是双方妥协的产物而不是一方让步。
- The probable outcome of the talks is a compromise. 会谈的结果很可能是妥协。
- Most wage claims are settled by compromise. 对提高工资的要求大多都能折衷解决。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。
- The compromise solution to bankruptcy in China and its problem 我国破产和解制度存在的问题与对策
- He did not compromise in the least on this matter. 在这件事上,他一点也不妥协。
- They found it wiser to compromise with her. 他们觉得与她妥协更明智。