- The compressive strength was as high as 350MPa. 抗压强度高达350MPa以上。
- Comparison of compressive strength:Ceram. 压缩强度比较;Ceram.
- Standard forms for concrete compressive strength test cube. 混凝土抗压试模。
- Standard forms for grout compressive strength test cube. 砂浆试模。
- Attaining the unification about the compressive strength unde... 以达到产品耐压强度?焙烧温度?成品率三者的统一。
- Adding micro-filler improves compressive strength of SRC. 添加微填料能够增加SRC的抗压强度;
- The compressive strength and porosity of the product are measured. 对制品进行抗压强度和气孔率的测试观察.
- Compressive strength is the ability of a material to resist being crushed. 耐压强度是金属抵抗被压碎的能力(性能)。
- Well facetted crystals with smooth surface and high compressive strength. 晶形完整,晶面平滑,透明度高,抗压强度特高。
- The addition of cement or lime hardens the soil and greatly increases its compressive strength. 水泥、石灰使土质变硬,从而大幅度增加其压缩强度。
- Rock masses treated with it retain their original permeability and water-absorption completely and have their compressive strength greatly increased. 经它处理过的岩块完全保持了原有渗透性和吸水率,抗压强度大大增加。
- The pseudo-force method is applied to calculate the compressive strength factor of the kinky propagated crack with the effect of interaction among cracks taken into account. 采用伪面力法计算了考虑相互作用的弯折扩展裂纹应力强度因子,并通过一些简化得到了显式的表达式。
- The relationship between compressive strength (flexural strength) with ice temperature, stress and direction is analysed in the paper. 分析了海冰的压缩强度和弯曲强度与冰温、应力率和加载方向的关系。
- The results indicate that the confinement of CFS increases the compressive strength and ductility of reinforced concrete square columns remarkably. 结果表明:碳纤维布包裹加固钢筋混凝土方柱,能有效提高其轴心抗压极限承载力,大大改善其延性。
- Research about the effects of mineral admixture on the compressive strength and pore porosity of low-temperature concrete without antifreeze. 摘要目的研究了在不掺防冻剂的情况下,掺合料种类及掺量对低温沉凝土强度及孔隙率的影响。
- The compressive strength of the autoclaved product increases when mixed with pyrite tailing with lime or gypsum present. 在系统中存在石灰或石膏的条件下,硫铁尾矿的加入在实验范围内有利于蒸压制品抗压强度的提高。
- The influence of fly ash and slag powders on the fluidity and compressive strength of cement mortars were investigated. 用不同掺量的矿渣粉及粉煤灰对水泥砂浆流动性和抗压强度进行了试验研究。
- Very high compression strength and excellent machining performance. 耐压强度高及优良的机加工性能。
- The cement compressive strength of the Q phaseCAC_(12)A_(7) system is higher than that of the CACA_(2)C_(2)AS system. 组成为Q相CA C12A7水泥的抗压强度比组成为CA CA2 C2AS的高,而且其后期强度持续发展。
- The compressive strength of some samples with mass ratio 0.3 of water to cement reached to 90 MPa at 28 d age. 由该熟料制备的水泥 ;以 0 .;3 0水灰比制备的一些样品抗压强度在 2 8d龄期已接近 90MPa;展现出良好的前景。