- The development of modern service industry cluster districts(MSICD) twines together with the growing of the comprehensive transportation hub. 现代服务业集聚区与综合交通枢纽共生共荣。
- high speed railway and urban comprehensive transport hub 高铁与城际综合交通枢纽
- Preliminary Discussion to Comprehensive Transport Hub Intelligent System 综合交通枢纽智能化系统刍论
- comprehensive transportation hub 综合交通枢纽
- comprehensive transport hub 综合交通枢纽
- This is the first city to use large transport hub. 这是本市第一个交付使用的大型交通枢纽。
- comprehensive transportation hubs 综合交通枢纽
- Incorporating the AR Airport Station,it will act as an integrated transport hub for all surface transport. 该中心设有机铁机场站,将成为机场的陆路交通枢纽。
- It will be linked to a new MTR station which will form a transport hub for the interchange of three MTR lines. 地盘连接区内新建成地铁站,贯连三条地铁路线,形成交通枢纽。
- Reliable and comprehensive transport information enables commuters to make an informed choice on routes and modes of transport. 可靠和全面的运输资讯有助乘客作出适当的选择,选搭最合适的交通工具和选择最佳路线。
- Incorporating the AR Airport Station, it will act as an integrated transport hub for all surface transport. 该中心设有机铁机场站,将成为机场的陆路交通枢纽。
- Above the station and below its office complex, bus and taxi stands make Admiralty a key public transport hub. 金钟地铁站上盖及办公大楼下的巴士和计程车站,是港岛区主要的公共交通枢纽。
- When completed, with Huangshi Road West, Shek Sand Road, Shek hew connections into a comprehensive transport network. 建成后,将与黄石西路、石沙路、石槎路连接成一个完善的交通网络系统。
- Dongzhimen transport hub will enable the construction of more areas have its advantages. 交通枢纽的兴建将使东直门地区更具备区位优势。
- At present, Dongzhimen transport hub and the Group Plaza project planning programme has won approval. 而目前,东直门交通枢纽和东华广场工程规划方案已通过审定。
- Beijing district of a large three-dimensional integrated transport hub to be outside after another in Xizhimen. 北京市区一座大型综合性的立体交通枢纽即将在西直门外拔地而起。
- We are planning to establish a comprehensive transport information system that will provide territory-wide traffic information. 我们现正筹划一个全面的运输资讯系统以提供全港的交通资讯。
- Atlanta started as railroad junction in the 1830s and quickly became the transport hub of the South. 19世纪30年代,亚特兰大成为铁路枢纽,并且迅速成为南方的运输中心。
- comprehensive passenger transport hub 综合客运枢纽
- Kunming Railway Station is the transport hub of the province, All incoming and outgoing trains have to pass through the station. 昆明火车站是进入昆明的主要铁路站点,所有从外省进入昆明的火车都在这里停靠。