- Oxygen enters into many compound bodies. 氧是许多化合物的组成部分。
- compound feint 复杂假动作
- To deceive or outmaneuver a defender by a feint. 做假动作通过做假动作蒙蔽或智胜防守球员
- Air is a mixture, not a compound of gases. 空气是气体的混合物,不是化合物。
- Rose is a plant with compound leaves. 玫瑰是复叶植物。
- Make a feint to the east but attack in the west. 声东击西。
- "Broad-shouldered" is a compound word. "Broad-shouldered"是个复合字。
- Common salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine. 食盐是钠和氯的化合物。
- My friend's family lives in the compound. 我朋友的家住在那个大院里。
- Make a feint to the east but attack in the west . 声东击西。
- A chemical compound consisting of such molecules. 二聚化合物这种聚合物形成化合物
- He made a feint of working hard. 他装作努力工作。
- He has a feint and offish smile on his face. 他的脸上挂着淡淡的、冷漠的微笑。
- Why is there a major glyph of feint? 为什么佯攻铭文是大雕文?
- Make a feint in the east but hit in the west. 声东击西。
- An organic compound containing many double bonds. 多烯一种包含许多双键的有机化合物
- A medicinal compound formerly used as an antidote for poison. 解毒剂一种药物复合剂,以前用于解毒
- All prisoners were frog-marched (out) into the compound. 犯人都被迫反剪双臂(出来)进入院子。
- A brief feint or aborted change of direction intended to mislead one's opponent or the opposing team. 假动作方向上一短暂的假的或未完成的改变,用以误导对手或对方
- A radioactive compound used in radiotherapy or diagnosis. 放射性药剂一种用于放射性治疗或诊断的放射性化合物