- compound administrative acts 复合式行政行为
- An administrative act applying or interpreting articles of canon law. 教令实施或解释教会法律条文的管理法案
- AEA is akind of concrete administrative act. 行政审批是具体行政行为。
- Chapter one is review of the theory of types of administrative acts. 第一章,是行政行为类型理论回顾。
- An administrative act applying or interpreting articles of canonlaw. 教令实施或解释教会法律条文的管理法案继承用法。
- We ough to indentify the administrative act by procedure and result. 界定行政行为的良否应当从程序与结果两方面进行认定。
- Judicial review of abstract administration act II. 抽象行政行为的司法审查研究2。
- The compound object of trial means that after repealing or renouncing the administrative act, the court should determine the content of the rights and obligations of the private party directly. 复合的判决对象是指,行政判决撤销或否定行政行为之后,进一步深入到原始的行政纠纷,直接确定相对人行政法上的权利义务内容。
- Article5 In handling administrative cases, the people's courts shall examine the legality of specific administrative acts. 第五条人民法院审理行政案件,对具体行政行为是否合法进行审查。
- I believe that under the current legal status of a single way to solve our current oversight of administrative acts abstract problems. 第一部分重点介绍抽象行政行为的基本理论。 它包括抽象行政行为的概念、抽象行政行为的主要特征及抽象行政行为和具体行政行为的区别。
- Administrative publicity, which makes administrative acts more transparent, is essential to the protection of the right to know and the incorruptness of the government. 实行行政公开,增加行政行为的透明度,对于维护政府的高效廉洁,保障公民知情权和监督权,具有不可轻视的作用。
- To the legitimacy of specific administrative acts and review the appropriateness of the specific illegal or improper administrative acts according to law repealed or modified. 要对具体行政行为的合法性和适当性进行审查,对违法或者不当的具体行政行为,要依法予以撤销或者变更。
- As a judicatory supervisory measure, the people's court in administrative litigation should only exam the evidence which found before the special administrative acts being taken. 行政诉讼作为对具体行政行为的司法监督手段,应当对具体行政行为作出时已有的证据而不是具体行政行为作出后所出现的新证据进行审查。
- Based on the above, it furthers to analyze the existed legal basis and practical necessity to bring parts of abstract administrative acts into the scope of acceptance in China. 在此基础上,进一步论述了我国把部分抽象行政行为纳入行政公益诉讼受案范围所具备的法律依据和现实需要。
- May the Reconsideration Organ Change the Original Specific Administrative Act in the Review and Evidence Collection? 复议机关审查取证能否变更原具体行政行为?
- Established in 1994, CLC has developed into a worldwide business with a modern plant of 50,000sqm &a working team of over 1,500 staff, among whom are 50 compound administrating talents &100 outstanding technicians of this industry. 公司创建于1994年,现有50000平方米的现代化厂区,并有员工1500余名,其中复合型管理人才50余名、业内技术精英100余名。
- The first part is a general description of the action for enforcement of administrative act. 第三部分笔者定义了行政行为执行诉讼,并分析了行政行为执行诉讼的性质、当事人以及它在行政强制执行和行政诉讼中的定位。
- Invalid administrative act is an important institution of the Administrative Procedure Law. 无效行政行为是各国行政程序法的一项重要规定,本文拟对无效行政行为的内涵、存在的依据以及如何建立我国无效行政行为制度等问题进行一番探讨。
- The presumptive legality of administrative act is a part of administrative effectiveness. 摘要行政行为的公定力是行政行为效力的一部分。
- The prior determinative force of administrative act refers to the ability of being deduced effective before the legitimacy of legal act is finally determined. 先定力是指法律行为在合法性尚未最终确定时被推定为有效的能力,它是法律行为主义调整方式所必需的程序规则。