- An ode for one voice or actor, as in Greek drama. 独唱颂歌为一个音调或一个演员所唱的颂歌,如希腊戏剧中的独唱颂歌
- To compose an elegy upon or for. 以挽歌纪念或哀悼为某事或某人作挽歌
- compose an ode 谱写一支颂歌
- It is an ode to friendship along the ancient Silk Road. 这是一曲古丝绸之路上的友谊之歌。
- A sweet, chiming vibrato and an ode to southern gospel. [甜美和谐的颤音混合效果。]
- Jin Yong's book may compose an antithetical couplet "". 金庸的书可以组成一对联“”。
- Ok, lets compose an MMS and have it sent to ourselves. 好吧,让撰写MMS和它发送给自己。
- One or more modules deployed as a unit compose an assembly. 有一组模块组成一个程序集(程序的集合)。
- IT is Fashion Week, the temperatures are subfreezing, and so an ode to the snug down coat is due. 时尚周到了,但温度低于零度,因此歌颂一下温暖的羽绒服是必要的。
- Spring is coming, orchid begins to blossom, butterfly is also flying. It is an ode to life and hope. 春气至,兰花开,蝶儿双飞。全画活泼灵动,充满了对生命和希望的礼赞。
- Relating to or constituting a poem in this category, such as a sonnet or an ode. 写抒情诗的关于或构成这种抒情诗的,如十四行诗或赋的
- He is responsible for composing an opera. 他负责编写一部歌剧。
- Users can select HTML or Plain text as the message text format type to use when they compose an e-mail message. 在编写电子邮件时,用户可以选择HTML或“纯文本”作为要使用的邮件文本格式类型。
- In his case contemplation of the natural world does the job; his final chapter is an ode to the perspective-altering discoveries of modern physics. 在他看来,对自然世界的沉思可以实现此两项功能;其著作的最后一章是对现代物理学中各种发现进行换位思考的颂歌。
- Bizet composed an opera called "Carmen". 比塞特创作了一部名叫“卡门”的歌剧。
- There has been much specualtion about the song, many believe that it is an ode to LSD. 有太多的留言围绕这首歌,很多人相信它暗示毒品(LSD迷幻剂)。
- Declamation: The Lord's Prayer, Psalm 23, Psalm 100 and An Ode to Mothers, by EFCI Chinese School students,... 爱恩教会爱恩中文学校学生朗诵主祷文、诗篇23、100篇、及母亲颂。
- This wine, coming from the terroir of the highest plateaux of the estate, is an ode to joy. 这款酒的葡萄产自葡萄园的最高地,如一首诗歌般可欣赏。
- For example, you might want to compose an ImageMap control from an Image ASP.NET mobile control on one device and a set of Command mobile controls on another device. 例如;您可能要从一个设备上的某个Image ASP.;NET移动控件和另一个设备上的一组Command移动控件复合生成一个ImageMap控件。
- We chasing the world peace, advocating hunmanism, recalling historical creations, and expressing an ode to civilization. 在这里我们追求世界和平,提倡人文精神,瞻仰历史的遗迹,赞美文明的火种。