- compliance test specification 一致性测试(Compliance
- Responsibility for compliance test procedures now normally resides with the Conformance Committee rather than the Technical Committee. 如今,通常由一致性委员会承担一致性测试程序的责任,而非技术委员会。
- Is compliance testing work done by HOKLAS accredited laboratories? 检定测试是否由认可计划所认可的实验室进行?
- Currently, there is no mention of using the extension construct in the WS-I basic profile and, additionally, the WS-I compliance test suite does not cover this case. 目前,在WS-I基本概要中没有提及使用扩展结构,又加之WS-I一致性测试包并未包括这种情况。
- The available test basis greatly influences the choice of test specification techniques. 可用的测试基础会极大地影响测试规格说明技术的选择。
- Is independent parallel testing used to monitor compliance testing work? 有否使用独立机构进行同样测试来监管有关检定测试工作?
- When you create a new document from the WordXml. Dot file you will see a sample Socrates test specification. 当您从WordXml.;dot文件创建新文档时;您会看到一个Socrates测试规范示例。
- This Recom-mendation conforms to Recommendation Q.780, which describes the basic rules of the test specification. 本建议符合描述测试规程基本规则的建议Q.;780。
- More precisely, the test specification becomes the foundation for, and provides runtime data to, data-driven test executables. 更确切地说,测试规范将成为数据驱动的测试可执行程序的基础,并为其提供运行时数据。
- The contractors are required to write their own in-house test procedures prior to conducting compliance tests which cannot conflict with the OVSC Laboratory Test Procedures. 这些订约人被要求在执行与OVSC实验室试验程序无冲突的测试前,写下他们自己内部的测试程序。
- It should be noted that in specifying the test cases RUP does not address the use of test specification techniques or the required test basis. 应当注意,在确定测试用例中,RUP不强调测试规格技术的使用或必需的测试基础。
- Based on the results of that inspection, the producer may be subjected to compliance testing. 根据检查结果,生产者可能要接受符合性检验。
- Is compliance testing performed by independent organisation with scrupulous corporate values? 检定测试是否由具有严格公司标准的独立机构进行?
- The following sections will describe a number of RUP-specific hints regarding test strategy development and test specification techniques. 以下各节将描述有关测试策略开发和测试规格说明技术的许多RUP特定的提示。
- Suitable for final compliance testing of microwave ovens to CDRH/FDA requirements. 适当为最后服从测试微波炉对CDRH/FDA要求。
- VeriTest worked with Microsoft to establish the Certified for Windows Vista Software Logo Technical Requirements and Certified for Windows Vista Software Logo Test Specification. VeriTest与Microsoft合作制定了Certified for Windows Vista软件徽标技术要求和Certified for Windows Vista软件徽标测试规范。
- In addition, the tools allow for reverse engineering of existing waveforms, forward code generation of SCA infrastructure code, and the SCA compliance testing of ported waveforms. 此外,该工具还可以支持对现有波形的逆向工程、SCA基础设施代码的正向编码生成以及对端口波形进行SCA兼容性测试。
- Integration with test failure management software so that investigators can see test specification data for each failed (automated or manual) test variation. 与测试故障管理软件集成,因此调查人员可以看到每次失败的(自动或手动)测试中的测试规范数据。
- I have simplified the test specification authoring system I wrote for our testers and have included the Visual Basic.NET solution and Word template as a download for this article. 在本文中;我简化了为测试人员编写的测试规范创作系统;还加入了可以下载的Visual Basic.;NET解决方案和Word模板。
- specific audit objective of compliance test 符合性测试的具体审计目标