- complex soil layer model 复杂土层模型
- The soft soil is featured by big viscosity, bad water permeability, big water content, low bearing capacity, big settlement and complex soil layers. 软土地基的土质具有粘性大,透水性差,含水量大,承载力低,沉降量大,土层结构复杂等特点。
- horizontal uniform layered soil layer model 水平均匀分层土层模型
- The calculations of DC currents through the neutrals of transformers are matched to the measures, taking into account complex soil model and AC power grid. 根据复合土壤模型和交流电网模型计算得到变压器中性点流过的直流电流,和实测值相符合。
- DQDB link layer model was adopted in data lineate transmission. 数据有线传输采用DQDB“链路层”模型。
- The particle size scope is in 0 ~ 50mm that It can test in the soil layer. 可以测试的土体的颗粒粒径范围为0~50mm。
- Present the two layer model of thin shock layer for approximate calculation of the inviscid flow over 3d sharp bodies. 介绍用于近似计算绕三维尖体无粘流激波薄层的二层模型。
- Soil adhesion may be reduced even if water cannot readily permeate the soil layer. 即使水不易进入污垢内层,也能降低污垢的吸附作用。
- TCP/IP protocols map to a four layer model: Network Interface, Internet, Transport, and Application. TCP/IP协议可以用一个分成四个层次的模型来描述:网络接口层、互联网层、传输层和应用层。
- In this thesis, a model of transversely isotropic layered media is used to simulate the soil layers. 本文以横观各向同性层状场地模拟自然场地,采用“薄层元素法”分析层状场地动、静力学问题。
- On the nitrate-N accumulated characteristics in deep soil layer of winter wheat field in Taihang Piedmont. 太行山山前平原冬小麦田深层土体硝态氮累积特征研究
- The deposition in an underlying soil layer of colloids, soluble salts, and mineral particles leached out of an overlying soil layer. 淀积作用胶状物,可溶性盐和矿物微粒从上层土壤向下层过滤的沉淀过程
- A new layer model including man thinker layer about NCW based on the theory of the man-machine hybrid control system is proposed. 运用复杂混合控制系统层次结构理论,提出了突出人作用的网络中心战层次模型,分析了网络中心战的核心指挥与控制系统。
- The inconsequence which is shear resisting about soil nailing and mixing piles ignored when calculating the stability safety factors of complex soil nailing wall inside, is pointed out. 指出了前人在计算复合土钉墙的内部稳定性安全系数时忽略土钉和搅拌桩的抗剪作用的不科学性。
- Species number ranked in the following order: brush and herb layer > tree layer > litter layer > soil layer. 每样地的物种数量都是以灌木草本层最多,依次为乔木层、枯枝落叶层和土壤层。
- The soil layer of Rouli is 700 to 800 meters deep. Experts have verified it is the thickest soil layer on earth. 若笠的黄土层厚达七、八百米,经过专家证实,是整个地球黄土层最厚的地方。
- Mould cases are investigated, and rules of features information describing and abstracting are proposed, and also, a layer model to represent the case of injection mould is built. 实例库是CBR技术应用的重要前提,在对几百个注射模实例进行分析的基础上,提出了表达注射模实例的特征信息以及特征信息的提取方法,并引入了注射模实例的层次化描述方法;
- Remanent magnetism of soil layer is taken as a reference frame for locating hy-drocarbon seepage zone. 本文利用土壤剩余磁性作为确定烃类渗漏带的参考系。
- The major task of this dissertation is to investigate the effects of PR and salinity on mixed layer depth (MLD), using the Kraus-Turner one-dimensional mixed layer model. 本论文在前人研究工作的基础上,利用一维Kraus-Turner海洋混合层模式,对穿透性太阳辐射、盐度效应在海洋混合层发展过程中对混合层深度的影响进行了研究和探讨。
- The soil layer of this village is rich in nutrients, and thus suitable for cultivation. 这个村庄土层里的养分肥沃,适合耕种。