- It subsequently evolved into an even more complex investment vehicle. 并随后发展成为一种更为复杂的投资手段。
- People can not help asking, for more than a decade, it has not been questioned Mak-Astoria complex investment strategy is not it? 人们不禁要问,过去的十几年间,难道没有人质疑过麦道夫并不复杂的投资策略吗?
- ERP project investment is a multistage complex investment decision with underlying stochastic processes and constraints, including a lot of investment options. ERP项目投资决策是一个带有潜在随机过程和约束条件的多阶段投资决策间题,包含大量内在关联的投资机会。
- Complex investment positions mean investors may not know the value of their investments at any given time. 复杂投资情况意味着投资者可能在任何时候不知道自己投资的价值。
- Forty-three billion dollars of that is in complex investments called collateralized debt obligations. 其中,430亿美元是在称之为CDO(债务担保证券)的复杂投资。
- XXX identifies and pursues these complex investments in both the public and private markets.Such opportunities are typically underserved by traditional buyout and venture capital firms. 有一个 名叫 XXX Captical 的位于加州的公司,自我介绍是“ is a private equity boutique specializing in spinouts; buyouts and recapitalizations of established technology businesses.
- Mother and baby interact in a very complex way. 母亲与婴儿以非常复杂的方式相互影响。
- Some of them developed a great inferiority complex. 他们有些人养成了严重的自卑感。
- My grandmother has a complex against foreigners. 我奶奶对外国人抱有偏见。
- Life is getting more complex and difficult. 生活正在变得越来越复杂和艰难。
- He has a complex about his weight. 他过分关心自己的体重。
- Complex, intricate, and involved. 复杂的、错综的和涉及的
- A petrochemical complex is to be built here. 这儿将建造一个石油化学联合企业。
- An airplane engine is a complex mechanism. 飞机引擎是种复杂的机械装置。
- The army is an extremely complex organism. 军队是极其复杂的组织。
- It's a complex question and her answer was too pat. 那问题很复杂,但她的回答简直是脱口而出。
- A car comes into being through a series of complex operations. 汽车经过一连串的复杂作业程序而制成。
- The government is beset with a complex array of economic problems. 政府为一系列复杂的经济问题所困扰。
- The subject is immensely complex, and hard to simplify. 这个题目非常复杂,并且很难简化。
- It's a complex question and your answer was too pat. 这是一个复杂的问题,你的回答来得太快了。