- complex geology coal bed 复杂地质条件煤层
- It is a new way of the utilization of coal bed gas. 为井下抽放煤层气的利用提出了一条新的途径。
- According to the gas and geology theories, the space changing rule of basic parameters reflecting gas in coal bed can be regarded as a continuous function closely related to geology condition. 摘要从瓦斯地质学的观点出发,将反映煤层瓦斯基本参数的空间变化规律看做是与其赋存地质条件密切相关的连续函数。
- China Geological Coal Mine Corp. 中国地方煤矿总公司。
- However,the exploration activity is rare because of the complex geology in the foreland basins. 中国石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院;
- There was much contention about the prototype of west-south Qadam basin because of its complex geology background. 摘要柴西南盆地原型的研究由于其复杂的地质背景存在众多争论。
- Coal Bed Methane Drilling and Completion Technology in Western Basin of U.S. 美国西部盆地煤层气钻井和完井技术。
- Preliminary research on structural law of coal bed beneath nappe in No. 对新集二矿推覆体下煤层构造规律进行了初步研究。
- First of all, the ERT forward model with mosaic arrangement was used to simulate the complex geology of the colluvium to gain insight on the resolution of the inverted ERT. 本研究首先利用马赛克数值模形来模拟崩积层复杂地质型态,以对地电阻法量测解析度进行数值分析探讨;
- Graphite deposit of Heye was formed by metamorphism of the Permian coal bed. 荷叶石墨矿是由二叠系煤层变质而成的石墨矿床,石墨与煤呈同层异矿关系。
- However, due to the high heterogeneity and complex geology, reservoirs are very difficult to stimulate and the results of most earlier fracturing are not so good. 但鄯勒低渗透油气藏因储层非均质性强,地质情况复杂,改造难度大,早期压裂施工的井大多效果不佳。
- For measuring exactly on gas content of coal bed,required high core recov ery and short time to hoisting and loa ding. 为了准确测定煤层含气量,要求取心作业必须有高的收获率和尽可能短的提钻及出筒装罐时间。
- Complex geology and varied topography have given rise to a diversity of ecosystems and species unmatched in the insular Caribbean and created one of the most biologically diverse tropical island sites on earth. 阿里杰罗德胡波尔德国家公园:加勒比海地区,与世隔绝,有着复杂的地质和不同的地形,这些使其形成了自己与众不同的生态系统,创造了地球上最复杂的热带岛屿生物多样性系统。
- A few complex geological environments are discussed in a later section. 下一节中还要讨论几种复杂的地质条件。
- In C13,34 fault block of Ciyutuo oilfield,since the complex geologic condition of oil bed,and the high crude viscosity,the oil well contamination was serious. 茨榆坨油田茨13,34块边部油层地质状况复杂,原油粘度较高,油井污染问题日益突出,储量难以开发,严重束缚了区块发展。
- Several coal beds are developed in backswamp deposits. 河漫沼泽上发育多套煤层。
- The existing mine gas in coal bed occurs mostly in the free state,the adsorption state and the dissolved state. 瓦斯气体在煤储层中的赋存状态主要有游离态、吸附态和溶解态。
- The hydro-geological parameters of Triassic age coal bed 3 of Dongtan Coal Mine be calculated with it. 利用相关方程求出了全东滩矿3煤砂岩顶板含水层的水文地质参数。
- Roadway heading is the forerunner for clearly knowing coal bed geological conditions. 掘进巷道是全面、准确了解矿井煤层地质条件的先导。
- The coal bed methane (CBD) utilization level is low due to the lack of technology, fund and market demand. 由于技术、资金和市场的欠缺使得中国煤矿瓦斯利用水平还不是很高。