- complex fuzzy numbers 复模糊数
- An extended fuzzy description logic is proposed to increase expressive power for complex fuzzy information. 摘要为了提高对复杂模糊信息的表示能力,提出一种扩展的模糊描述逻辑。
- Fuzzy constraints based triangular fuzzy numbers and the fuzzy cost based trapeze fuzzy numbers are discussed in this paper. 本文讨论了基于三角形模糊数的模糊约束条件和基于梯形模糊数的模糊费用。
- In this article we construct extended fuzzy measure on fuzzy intervals, fuzzy numbers and cartesian product of fuzzy intervals and derive fuzzy measure space. 摘要本论文建构在模糊区间,模糊数和模糊区间的卡氏积上的扩张模糊测度并推导出模糊测度空间。
- Kuchta D.Use of Fuzzy Numbers in project Risk (criticality) Assessment[J].International Journal of Project Management,2001(5). 崔安定;赵远亮.;风险投资项目决策的模糊综合评价[J]
- Dubois, D. and H. Prade, “Operations on Fuzzy Numbers,” International Journal of System Sciences, Vol.9, No.3, pp.357-360, 1978. 张志向,“应用模糊理论于中小企业信用评等表改善建立之研究”,硕士论文,高雄工学院管理科学研究所,高雄,第35页,1997。
- Abstract: The MTTR is defined as a fuzzy number.The fuzzy numbers are used for evaluating system reliability, system MTTR and system failure rate. 摘要:定义产品平均寿命为一个模糊数表示,用模糊数估计系统可靠度、系统寿命、系统失效率。
- The proprieties and priority problems of triangular fuzzy number complementary judgment matrix are studied. 摘要研究三角模糊数互补判断矩阵的性质和排序问题。
- Heilpern S.The expected value of a fuzzy number[J].Fuzzy Sets and Systems,1992(47):81 -86. 谭满益;唐小我.;模糊需求下的产品供给能力初步研究[J]
- The fuzzy numbers with compact supports and strictly fuzzy convexity are introduced, and the parametric representation of fuzzy numbers is given. 摘要介绍具有紧支撑且严格模糊凸的模糊数,给出了模糊数的参数表示。
- Thirdly, it have put forward comprehensive evaluation model, which based on the triangular fuzzy number, AHP, Delphi and the benchmarking. 接着本文将基准分析思想、层次分析法、德尔菲法和模糊综合评价法相结合,提出了基于基准分析思想的三角模糊综合评价法。
- Dubois and H.Prade studied the properties of the system of fuzzy number, specially considered to establish the differential system of fuzzy number. Dubois和H.;Prade等人先后对模糊数系的各种性质进行了深入分析;特别是考虑到建立模糊数系的的微分等。
- In this paper,by redefining the order relation for fuzzy numbers and zero fuzzy number,we obtain that the operation properties of fuzzy numbers are more similar to real numbers. 通过对零模糊数以及模糊数的序关系的重新定义,使得模糊数与实数有了更相似的运算性质。
- We introduce the notion of dais point of fuzzy number net and use it to characterize the level convergence given by Kaleva and Seikkla. 借助于局部子基,给出了模糊数空间上水平收敛拓扑的构造。
- Fuzzy linear programming with constraint coefficients of triangle fuzzy numbers is transformed into classical linear programming by using a new ranking criterion of fuzzy numbers. 摘要利用一种新的模糊数排序准则,提出了约束条件中含有三角模糊数的模糊线性规划转化为经典的线性规划的方法。
- Then, by denoting the model parameters of water quality as triangular fuzzy numbers, a one-dimensional stable-state fuzzy model for river water quality was proposed. 在定义三角模糊参数的基础上,通过将一维稳态水质模型参数模糊化,建立了模糊水质模拟模型。
- Aimed at the group decision-making problem based on language estimation information, the way of common group mind in trapezia fuzzy number system is mainly discussed. 针对基于语言评价信息的群决策问题,重点研究了梯形模糊数体系下的群体意见共识方法。
- The methods for safety culture evaluation of enterprise are presented on the basis of the triangular fuzzy number and AHP method,with the fuzzy analysis of qualitative factors. 利用三角模糊处理函数表示定性因素,提出了基于三角模糊数和层次分析法的企业安全文化评价方法。
- Mother and baby interact in a very complex way. 母亲与婴儿以非常复杂的方式相互影响。
- Related models of its and operation and compositor of triangular fuzzy number are introduced.The method of transformation and solution is as same as the previous model. 建立了它的模型以及三角模糊数的排序、运算,用类似于解决前一种模型的方法进行转化和求解。