- The calculation results demonstrated that IGP could solve the problems of optimization synthesis for large-scale complex distillation system rapidly. 计算表明,本算法可以快速准确地求解大规模复杂精馏系统优化综合问题。
- A genetic programming (GP) based approach was developed for the synthesis of complex distillation systems. 摘要提出了基于遗传规划的复杂精馏系统的综合方法。
- An Improved Genetic Programming algorithm (IGP) was developed for the synthesis of complex distillation systems. 提出了一种可用于复杂精馏系统综合的改进遗传规划算法,利用其独特的层次化结构来直观地表达问题。
- An Improved Genetic Programming algorithm(IGP) was developed for the synthesis of complex distillation systems. 提出了一种可用于复杂精馏系统综合的改进遗传规划算法,利用其独特的层次化结构来直观地表达问题。
- complex distillation system synthesis 复杂精馏流程综合
- Research on heat integrated complex distillation system synthesis 热集成复杂精馏系统综合的研究
- complex distillation system 复杂精馏系统
- Synthesis of Heat Integrated Complex Distillation Systems via Stochastic Optimization Approaches 热集成复杂精馏流程综合的随机最优化方法
- Without any superstructures of distillation system, the feasible region could be looked for automatically. 在不必给定精馏系统超结构的情况下,能够完成可行域的自动搜寻。
- By means of new type of tray technology the tar distillation system at Panzhihua Iron &Steel Group has been improved. 采用新型塔板技术对攀钢的焦油蒸馏装置进行了改造。
- Then, we propose a new optimization strategy based on stochastic approach, including a new coding representation for complex distillation confi... 随后提出了一种新的可包括复杂精馏结构的编码表达法及一个求解混合变量问题的随机优化策略;最后对该领域发展提出展望。
- Wang, S. J. and E. K. Lee, 2002, "Nonlinear Control of a High-Purity Heat-Integrated Distillation System", Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35(9), 848. 王圣洁与李恩各;1999;“异丙醇/水/环己烷共沸蒸馏系统之设计与线上控制”;触媒与制程;70(1);90.
- The distillation system design of isomeric dichlorotoluene and its production process are given in detail in this paper. 详细讨论了二氯甲苯异构体精馏塔系统的工程设计与生产过程。
- Genetic programming was applied to design multi components complex distillation process by setting up an interrelationship between the individual code and the process structure. 通过建立个体编码与流程结构的对应关系,将遗传规划应用于多组分复杂精馏过程设计。
- Heat integration distillation system is an effective method of saving energy in the process of distillation, with 50% energy saved. 摘要热集成精馏系统是精馏过程中有效的节能操作方式,节能效果可达50%25。
- Aspen Plus simulation of different ternary azeotropic distillation system is used to check the feasibility of splits and product composition regions. 用Aspen Plus对不同的三组分共沸系统中跨越精馏单元边界的分离进行模拟分析,模拟结果与上述分析结果一致。
- By means of analog calculation on wash oil distillation system, the main process design parameters of primary distillation column and rectification column are defined. 通过对洗油蒸馏装置的模拟计算,确定了初馏塔和精馏塔的主要工艺设计参数。
- The synthesis of a distillation system including no-sharp separations was studied with emphasis on the coding and flowsheet multiformity caused by no-sharp separation. 摘要 对综合问题的求解规模和可行域的变化进行讨论,研究了各种流程的代码表示,问题求解以及最终流程简化。
- Based on the analysis of distillation flowsheets with side strippers and(or) side rectifiers,a few complex distillation flowsheets for the separations of five component mixtures are presented. 基于对含多个侧线汽提和/或侧线精馏塔的复杂精馏流程的分析,构造了分离五组分的复杂精馏流程。
- Abstract: The dehydration technology of bischofite by butanol complexation distillation was studied by such methods as X-ray diffraction and elementary analysis. 摘 要: 采用X射线衍射及元素分析方法研究了水氯镁石的丁醇络合蒸馏脱水工艺。