- XML-based Complex Case Representation Method for Construction Machinery 工程机械复杂产品实例的XML表示方法研究
- complex case representation 基于实例的推理
- A rather more complex case is that of steric isomerism. 更复杂的情形是立体异构问题。
- It is a very complex case which is hard to figure out. 这个案件十分复杂,个中真伪颇费猜详。
- Then it also introduces some basic techniques of CBR such as case representation, case retrieval, case revisal, case base maintenance. 接着介绍了范例推理的基本技术,即范例表示、范例检索、CBR修正、CBR维护等。
- Methods To transform the original case representation and organization into the requirement of the FCA. 方法把原来的事例表示与组织方式转换成FCA所要求的形式。
- Don't put the trivial above the important in dealing with the complex case. 在处理复杂的案情时不要轻重倒置。
- The key to the implementation of CBR technology lies in case representation,case indexing and case revision. CBR技术的实施要点在于案例表示、案例索引和案例修正这几个环节。
- Production : PVC fill material, hardware and complex cases. 生产:聚氯乙烯填充料、五金杂件。
- Second, the applications of case-based design in mechanical design field are discussed and many key techniques about case-based design are studied, including case representation, case retrieval, case adaptation and case maintenance. 其次,本文讨论了基于实例的设计在机械领域中的应用,着重研究了其中的实例表示、实例检索、实例修改和实例存储的关键技术。
- "This is a complex case with serious issues," Bush said. "But in extraordinary circumstances like this, it is wise to always err on the side of life. “这是个复杂而又严重的事件”,Bush表示“但是在这样的情况下,我们宁可犯错也要以生命为重。
- This paper presents the overall system structure and main functions of CPPTDS,and key techniques to realize this system: case representation and storage, similarity match and query, case forming and study. 本文设计了基于事例推理的包装印刷工艺设计系统的总体结构和功能,以及系统实现的几个关键环节:包装印刷工艺事例的表示、存储、检索、匹配、生成和学习。
- The thesis focus on two basic problems: case representation and matching algorithm, which aim at the flexible of knowledge base, integration of CAD/CAPP/CAM and practicability of system. 论文以知识库系统的柔性和工具性、CAD/CAPP/CAM集成性、系统的实用性等方面为目标约束,研究基于实例飞机钣金工艺辅助系统的两个基本问题:实例的表达和实例的匹配算法。
- Ihsan says he also worries that Iraq's underdeveloped legal system may not be strong enough to render a fair verdict in such a difficult and complex case. 说他也担心伊拉克不发达的法律系统可能没有坚强到能对如此困难和复杂案件作出公平的判决。
- Moreover, such a complex case, with a bulky ruling which is still not in the public domain, does not offer much guidance on what sort of rebate schemes might be deemed predatory. 另外,本案如此复杂,还没有进入公众领域而裁决书就已如此之厚,但是至于哪种回扣方案可被认定具有掠夺性,该案却不能给出多少指导意见。
- In artesian well process, encounter have complex case or special technology, need to undertake side is gotten sometimes, but the majority has in naked eye. 钻井过程中,遇有复杂情况或非凡工艺,有时需要进行侧钻,但绝大部分都是在裸眼中进行的。
- Large, complex cases must be prosecuted to project the perception that everyone is equal under the tax law. 应当起诉大型复杂的案件,以使公众明白在税法之下,人人平等。
- The fifth one discusses the application of the case-based reasoning technique, in detail elucidates the way to express the standard and compound cases, case representation, case indexing model and case-based reasoning and self-learning mechanism. 第五章阐述了CBR技术在传动系统概念设计中的应用,详细论述了标准实例与复合实例的表达、实例检索模型的建立、基于实例的推理和自学习机制。
- Large,complex cases must be prosecuted to project the perception that everyone is equal under the tax law. 应当起诉大型复杂的案件,以使公众明白在税法之下,人人平等。
- In more complex cases, constructing a correct restore sequence can be a complex process. 在更复杂的情况下,构造一个正确的还原顺序可能是个复杂的过程。