- completely additive class 完全加性类
- Completely additive function of set 完全加性集合函数
- completely additive family of sets 完全加性集族
- completely additive set function 完全加性集合函数
- LHRH agonists proide an additional class of agents for treatment of premenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positie breast cancer. Optimum duration of use is unknown. LHRH激动剂为激素受体阳性的绝经前乳腺癌女性患者提供了一种附加的治疗手段。最佳服用时限仍未知。
- LHRH agonists provide an additional class of agents for treatment of premenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. Optimum duration of use is unknown. LHRH激动剂为激素受体阳性的绝经前乳腺癌女性患者提供了一种附加的治疗手段。最佳服用时限仍未知。
- Graduate students are expected to complete additional coursework. 研究所学生必须要完成额外的课程作业。
- In order to finish all the lessons before the exam, the experimental class are going to take three additional classes every week. 实验班为了能在考试前上完课,每周加开三课时。
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 报价时,请对每一个等级的各寄两个样品。
- The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 本班男生的平均年龄是十五岁。
- Henry is nowhere when it comes to the race for class president. 亨利在竞选级长中被远远抛在后面。
- A mosquito netting completely surrounds our bed. 一顶蚊帐把我们的床完全围住了。
- She got cold feet when asked to recite in class. 当她被叫起来在班上背诵时害怕了。
- With additional classes,she was able to put all her students through,except two whose Chinese was weakest. 她给他班上的学生补了好几节课,使全班的学生都考及格了,只有两个汉语最差的学生没过关。
- She was completely knocked over by the bad news. 这个坏消息把她全然惊呆了。
- She was kept in for an hour for talking in class. 她因上课说话被罚留校一小时。
- When I left the hospital I was completely cured. 出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。
- With additional classes, she was able to put all her students through, except two whose Chinese was weakest. 她给他班上的学生补了好几节课,使全班的学生都考及格了,只有两个汉语最差的学生没过关。
- The students appear to be completely out of hand. 学生们似乎已完全无法控制了。
- The students in our class number thirty. 我班总共有三十名学生。