- Our aim is that all children complete secondary education. 我们的宗旨是让所有孩子完成中等教育。
- complete secondary course 完全中等教程
- In 1998-99,90 per cent of the students who had completed Secondary 3 received their senior secondary education at substantially subsidised rates. 在一九九八至一九九九学年,有九成修毕中三课程的学生,继续修读由政府资助大部分费用的高中课程。
- At the craft level,the IVE continues to offer courses in various disciplines to students who have completed Secondary 3 education. 学院继续为中三程度学生开办技工程度课程。
- At the craft level, the IVE continues to offer courses in various disciplines to students who have completed Secondary 3 education. 学院继续为中三程度学生开办技工程度课程。
- In 1998-99, 90 per cent of the students who had completed Secondary 3 received their senior secondary education at substantially subsidised rates. 在一九九八至一九九九学年,有九成修毕中三课程的学生,继续修读由政府资助大部分费用的高中课程。
- At the craft level, IVE continues to offer courses in the various disciplines to students who have completed Secondary 3 education. 学院继续为中三程度学生开办技工程度课程。
- Aside from the storyline missions, you also have the option of completing secondary missions for various characters in the game. 除了主线任务,您也可以选择完成隐藏任务来获得。
- Pingyang Linfen secondary school by the Linfen century founder of one China, one of the office to help the general public completely secondary. 临汾平阳中学是由百年名校临汾一中创办的一所民办公助普通完全中学。
- After completing secondary school Siu Li worked for a travel agency where she came to know many different people through lively social interaction. 小李念完中学后,在旅行社做事,他的社交很忙,所以认识了不少各样的人。
- On Offering a Secondary Course Of Gerontological Nursing 开辟老年护理第二课堂初探
- In 2001,95.4 per cent of the students who completed Secondary 3 received their senior secondary education or vocational training at substantially subsidised rates. 二零零一年,有95.;4%25修毕中三课程的学生继续升读获得大幅资助的高中课程或职业训练课程。
- The first three types of curriculum are offered in five-year secondary courses leading to the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) but with different emphases to cater for students'different needs. 首三类是五年制的中学课程,要进行香港教育认证考试,但课程的重点各有不同,以配合学生的不同需要。
- In 2001, 95.4 per cent of the students who completed Secondary 3 received their senior secondary education or vocational training at substantially subsidised rates. 二零零一年,有95.;4%25修毕中三课程的学生继续升读获得大幅资助的高中课程或职业训练课程。
- The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 新医院的全部设备需要一年才能装备好。
- The first three types of curriculum are offered in five-year secondary courses leading to the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) but with different emphases to cater for students' different needs. 首三类是五年制的中学课程,但课程的重点各有不同,以配合学生的不同需要。
- One complete length of a straight course, as of a swimming pool. 直线的路径一段完整的直线距离,如游泳池
- The leading role is played by a complete unknown. 演主角的是一个毫无名气的演员。
- He should complete at this moment. 此刻他应该已经完成了。
- If we are to raise the educational level of the next generation,we have to make it compulsory for everyone to remain in school for at least 10 years,that is completing Secondary Four. 假如我们要提升年轻一代的教育水平,我们须强制每名学生留在学校求学最少10年,直至修完中四为止。