- More music? Click here for the complete list. 想要更多音乐?点击这里查看完整列表。
- Click here for a complete list of changes. 请点击此处查看详细更新列表。
- You can find a link to a more complete list in the. 中找到更完整的内容列表。
- A Complete List of PHP Template Engines? PHP模板引擎的完全列表?
- This course features a complete list of readings. 本课程包含一份完整的阅读清单。
- But no one imagines that it is the complete list. 不过,没有人认为这个目录是完整的。
- The complete list of persons summoned for jury duty. 陪审员名单被召集履行陪审职责的所有人的名单
- To scroll up or down to view the complete list, use the arrow keys. 必须使用箭头键向上滚动,才可以看到完整的列表。
- This section contains a complete list of our press releases. 这一章有我们新闻发布内容的完整列表。
- A complete list of possible arguments can be found here. 一个完整的可能参数的列表可以在这里发现。
- Please call for a complete listing. 请电:为彻底上市。
- You can get a more complete list from the classified telephone directory. 你可以从分类电话簿上找到一个更详尽的表。
- A complete list of replacement components can be found on the preceding page. 在前一页可以找到更换部件的全套清单。
- Of course,a complete list,including less-heralded awards,would be much longer. 当然如果再加上那些还没成气候的小颁奖典礼,数量将会更多。
- Defines the complete list of the host data types at each supported DBMS. 定义每个受支持的DBMS上的宿主数据类型的完整列表。
- Where can I find a complete list of variables are available to me in PHP? 哪里可以找到所有可用的PHP预定义变量的完整列表?
- For a complete list of language_code values, see Subscriber Locale Codes. 有关language_code值的完整列表,请参阅Subscriber Locale Codes。
- For a complete list of recently published reports, please click here. 要获取完整的最新发表报告列表,请单击这里。
- For a more complete list of new features in ASP.NET, see What's New in ASP.NET. 有关ASP.;NET新增功能的更完整列表;请参见ASP
- A complete list would be somewhat longer, but it would cover the same ground. 完整的清单更长,不过它起的作用是一样的。