- The foreman took on ten more men as bricklayers. 工头又雇佣了十多个人作泥瓦匠。
- The team signed on ten more players yesterday. 该队昨天又签约雇用了十名选手。
- Mary was thin from sickness, and the doctor said she must put on ten pounds. 玛丽生病身体很瘦,医生说她的体重必须增加10磅。
- complement on tens 十进制补码, 同tens complement
- I saw fifty cooks cook ten cocks on ten cookers. 五十炖十,十口灶。
- I saw forty cooks cook ten cocks on ten cookers. 四十炖十,十口灶。
- I saw thirty cooks cook ten cocks on ten cookers. 三十炖十,十口灶。
- I saw twenty cooks cook ten cocks on ten cookers. 二十炖十,十口灶。
- Congratulations to two wonderful on ten your wedding anniversary. 祝贺我两位最好的朋友结婚十周年纪念日。
- My father took on ten more men working for him on the farm. 我父亲又雇用了十个人为他在农场上干活。
- The boys were complemented on their neat turn-out. 男孩子们穿上整洁的衣服算是十全十美了。
- Mary was thin from sickness,and the doctor said she must put on ten pounds. 玛丽生病身体很瘦,医生说她的体重必须增加10磅。
- Fig. 62.Purple and ochre are complements on the color wheel. 紫色和赭色是补色。
- On ten your wedding anniversary: Love joins our present with the past and the future. 祝贺你们的结婚十周年纪念日:爱连结我们的过去、现在和未来。
- Acoording to the query mechanisms complement on P2P network commonly, we promote a new mechanism name distributed searching with double index (DDI), which is compatibly applied on P2P network. 在查询信息时,借鉴目前几种查询方式的优点,提出一种适合在对等网络中采用的双重索引查询(DDI)。
- Nevertheless, it was Doncaster who fashioned the first real opening of the match on ten minutes. 然而,看起来好象是唐卡斯特会先取得入球。
- He sees Marie complements on a little bemused horse: "I know this is a little abrupt, but I know I am sincerity. 他看到玛丽有些发呆马上补充道:“我知道这有些突然,可我知道我是真心的。”
- We've taken on our full complement of new trainees for this year. 我们今年招收的新学员已经满额了。
- Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish. 有咖喱的菜配米饭最妙。
- She made a bid of ten dollars on the table. 那张桌子她出价十美元。