- compiler target machine 编译程序目标机
- Is always aligned to a natural boundary on the target machine. 总是与目标计算机上的自然边界对。
- The target machine is the one from which you wish to collect diagnostic info. 目标计算机就是您要收集其诊断信息的计算机。
- The address addr is always aligned to a natural boundary on the target machine. 地址addr总是与目标计算机上的自然边界对齐。
- No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. 不能做任何连接,因为目标机器积极地拒绝它。
- Specifies the processor platform the compiler targets for the output file. 指定编译器针对输出文件所用的处理器平台。
- On SPARC and SPARCLITE only, write this subroutine to flush the instruction cache, if any, on your target machine. 只在SPARC和SPARCLITE平台上,这一功能调用用来刷新指令缓存。
- Unable to use the network connection to track the reboot status of the target machine. 无法使用网络连接跟踪目标计算机的重新启动状态。
- The Diag Collection Service entry specifies the name of the collector service on the target machine. “诊断信息收集服务程序”项用于指定目标计算机上的收集服务程序名称。
- The target machine creates it's socket by allocating a random TCP port starting with 1023 and decrementing to 512. 目标计算机则通过分配一个随机的以 1023 开始并递减到 512 的 TCP 端口,来创建它的 套接字。
- Run the cross-compiler on the host machine to produce assembler files for the target machine. This requires header files for the target machine. 运行交叉编译器在主机上生成目标机汇编文件。这一步需要目标机头文件。
- The Connection Info section allows you to further refine the target machine you've specified to a specific SQL Server instance on the machine. Connection Info(连接信息)部分使您可以进一步详细说明指定给计算机上特定的SQL Server实例的目标计算机。
- If you want to collect from just one virtual SQL Server among many on the same machine, specify that virtual SQL Server for the target machine name. 如果您想只从同一计算机上多个虚拟SQL Server中的一个中收集信息,请指定该虚拟SQL Server作为目标计算机名称。
- By default, the File Types Editor contains a single File Types on Target Machine node; new file types may be added beneath that node. 默认情况下,“文件类型编辑器”包含一个“目标计算机上的文件类型”节点;新文件类型可以添加到该节点的下面。
- ZI is only available in the compiler targeting x86; this compiler option is not available in the compilers targeting x64 or Itanium Processor Family (IPF). ZI只可用于面向x86的编译器中;此编译器选项不可用于面向x64或Itanium处理器系列(IPF)的编译器中。
- The name you specify here must already have been registered on the target machine as a collector service unless you are connecting to a default instance on the local machine. 您在此处指定的名称必须已在目标计算机上注册为收集服务程序,除非您连接的是本地计算机上的默认实例。
- Using the server install (interactive install) - The server install is provided for those developers who simply want to deploy the files to a target machine as a standalone task. 使用服务器安装(互动安装)---服务器安装的是提供给那些只是希望部署文件到目标机作为一个独立的任务的开发者的。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- The uses of this machine are manifold. 这台机器有多种用途。
- To debug a program running on another machine (the debugging target machine), you must first arrange for all the usual prerequisites for the program to run by itself. 调试在另一台机器上运行的程式(目标调试机),你必须首先安排好这个程式运行的先决条件。