- This error may also be caused by a compiler error. 编译器错误也可能导致此错误。
- Forward references to variables gives compiler error. 把引用给一个变量会编译错误。此话对吗?
- This will cause a compiler error that will need to be fixed. 这将导致需要修正的编译器错误。
- Prompts you to send a report when you receive an internal compiler error. 提示您在收到内部编译器错误时发送报告。
- You ll get a compiler error if you try to construct an instance of class. 类的实例,就会得到编译器错误。
- Forgetting to end a line in a semicolon will result in a compiler error. 每行代码结束后应用分号结束,否则会导致编译错误。
- Both statements generate compiler errors. 两个语句都将生成编译器错误。
- If an enumeration is assigned a floating-point value with Option Strict On, a compiler error results. 给枚举赋一个浮点值,则将产生编译器错误。
- In the next lesson you will learn about debugging compiler errors. 在下一课中,您将学习如何调试编译器错误。
- This can lead to compiler errors or subtle run-time logic errors. 这可能导致编译器错误或细微的运行库逻辑错误。
- The build should be successful with no compiler errors or warnings. 生成应该成功,没有任何编译器错误或警告。
- The build should succeed with no compiler errors or warnings. 如果没有编译器错误或警告,则生成应该成功。
- However, if you do encounter an internal compiler error, this option allows you to report the error to Microsoft. 但是,如果确实遇到了内部编译器错误,此选项可让您向Microsoft报告错误。
- Therefore, you will get a compiler error if you delete an event source but leave the underlying function in the source code. 因此,如果删除事件源而在源代码中保留基础函数,则将遇到编译器错误。
- The Error List window displays information about the compiler error, including a description of the error and its location in your code. “错误列表”窗口显示有关编译器错误的信息,包括对错误的说明以及错误在代码中的位置。
- Dim aDate As DateDim aString As String' The following line of code generates a COMPILER ERROR because of invalid format. 区分文化特性 :型别转换函式包含字串,该字串可根据应用程式的目前文化特性设定来执行转换。
- At this stage, you will fix compiler errors, linker errors, and the like. 在这个步骤中,您将修正一些编译错误,链接错误,诸如此类。
- Unfortunately, the C++ macro system does not allow us to create a single macro that can handle both types of tests. Using the wrong macro causes a compiler error. 不幸的是,C++宏系统不允许我们为运用两种类型测试创建一个简单的宏,使用错误的宏语句可导致编译错误。
- You've implemented an event delegate from a class, but when you try to attach an event procedure you get a compiler error that there is no overload that matches the delegate. 你要实现一个事件代理,可是当你尝试关联一个事件程序时,你得到了一个编译器错误:没有重载和匹配的代理。
- And floating-point types without a cast results in a compilation error. 和浮点型将导致编译错误。