- He girded up his loin to face his competitor. 他做好准备来迎战他的对手。
- That company is a strong competitor of us. 那个公司是我们强有力的竞争对手。
- competitor PCR 竞争PCR
- That company constitutes our lone competitor in the field. 那家公司成了我们在这个领域唯一的竞争对手。
- The Japanese can outsell any competitor in the market. 日本人比谁都会搞市场推销。
- By defeating their main competitor this firm will corner the wheat market. 这家公司由于击败了主要的竞争对手,即将垄断整个小麦市场。
- By defeating their main competitor, this company will corner the wheat market. 击败主要对手后,这家公司将垄断小麦市场。
- Each competitor shall wear a number. 每个比赛者必须佩戴一个号码。
- He tried to put his competitor out of the way. 他企图杀掉他的竞争对手。
- By defeating the main competitor this firm has cornered the wheat market. 这家公司通过打败主要的竞争对手垄断了小麦市场。
- By defeating their main competitor this firm has cornered the wheat market. 这家公司击败了主要的竞争对手而垄断了整个小麦市场。
- Hurry for sign contract due competitor keen. 因同行竞争激烈,望尽快签订合同。
- The PCR detection of karnal bunt of wheat. 小麦印度腥黑穗病菌PCR检测。
- Our product has a good lead over our competitor's. 我们的产品仍领先我们的竞争者很大距离。
- The size of the amplified PCR product was 822 bp. PCR扩增片段大小为822bp,最小检测量为1080个HPs。
- To buy at a lower price than a competitor. 出低价买买得比对的所出价便宜
- The ermA and ermC genes were amplified by PCR. PCR检测与诱导型克林霉素耐药相关的ermA、ermC基因。
- He hired an assassin to kill his competitor. 他雇用了一名刺客去暗杀他的竞争者。
- G-LCR detected ten-fold EBs than PCR. G -LCR较PCR敏感 10倍 ;
- Analyse the genotype of the target genes using PCR. 聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增目的基因进行基因型分析。