- The company needs to improve its competitive edge. 公司必须提高它的竞争力。
- People are the key to finding a competitive edge in industry. 产业竞争中取得优势的关键在于人。
- Can Export Regulation Policy Win the Competition Edge of American High Technology Sector? 出口管制政策能保持美国的技术领先优势吗?
- This gives it a very competitive edge over most bacteria and mold. 这是一个很大部分细菌和霉菌竞争。
- We strengthen our competitive edge by lowering our price. 我们藉由降低价格来增强竞争优势。
- We must nurture and attract the best talent to maintain our competitive edge. 要保持香港的优势,我们必须培养及吸纳最优秀的人才。
- We must devote ourselves to improving the competitive edge of our products. 要把精力投入到提高产品竞争力上来。
- The presence of foreign banks tends to increase competition, which, in turn, sharpens the competitive edge of domestic banks. 外资银行的参与一般都能提高市场竞争,从而推动本地银行加强竞争优势。
- We have qualitatively leapt over the traditional warehousing and transportation in aspects of function, client relationship, referred range, competition edge, core competence and vendee value. 在服务功能、客户关系、涉及范围、竞争优势、核心能力以及买方价值等方面,与传统的仓储与运输有质的飞跃。
- In global competition,no single country can be a winner all the time. Only those with manpower infused with the entrepreneurial spirit are able to increase their competitive edge. 在全球竞争中,没有一个国家能保持常胜,只有具有创业精神的人力资源才有可能提升经济的竞争力。
- We should sharpen the competitive edge of our goods and services for export by ensuring good quality. 坚持以质取胜,提高出口商品和服务的竞争力。
- The international competition after China's WTO accession will help advance the country's economic restructuring and sharpen Chinese enterprises' competitive edge. 加入世贸组织后的国际竞争有利于推动中国的经济改革,有利于企业提高竞争能力。
- Because of the heated competition in international market, more and more people now regard means of payment as an important tool to sharpen their competitive edge. 当前国际市场竞争愈演愈烈,越来越多的人将付款方式视为重要的竞争手段。
- Such a framework is essential to strengthen the SAR's competitive edge amidst rapid changes in the international financial markets. 国际金融市场瞬息万变,这样的架构对于保持香港的竞争优势非常重要。
- I urge you to continue your good work in sustaining and sharpening Hong Kong's competitive edge. 我促请各位继续努力,协助维持和提高香港的竞争优势。
- In the process to introduce the competition of foreign capital, China's economy has developed rapidly, and China's enterprises have sharpened their competitive edge. 在引进外资的竞争过程当中,中国的经济得到了飞跃的发展,中国的企业增强了竞争力。
- After more than a decade of uninterrupted growth, we should rethink and re-examine our competitive edge. 经过逾十年的持续发展,我们应该反思一下,并且重新检讨我们的竞争能力。
- After more than a decade of uninterrupted growth,we should rethink and re-examine our competitive edge. 经过逾十年的持续发展,我们应该反思一下,并且重新检讨我们的竞争能力。
- The case company's competition edges in customerization and delivery provide it with good opportunity to quickly penetrate the emerging markets. 个案公司的优势在于交期与制程,而新兴市场的崛起则是为个案公司提供机会;
- To respond promptly to the new market demand has blunted the electronic giant's competitive edge. 这家巨型电子企业没有及时对新的市场需求作出反应,结果削弱了自身的竞争力。