- These observations provided very compelling evidence. 这些观测提供了有力证据。
- There is compelling evidence that red wine is good for your heart. 有可靠证据表明红酒对你的心脏有好处。
- Compelling evidence certainly indicates that human beings are sometimes able to withstand several hours without oxygen. 有强烈的证据明白指出,人类有时候是可以在无氧下维持好几个小时的。
- The study has also been cited as compelling evidence for screening by the patient advocacy group Lung Cancer Alliance. 此研究已经被肺癌联盟的拥护此筛查方案的病人群体作为一种强有力的证据所引用。
- Perhaps even more troubling was the initial lack of compelling evidence for fullerenes in meteorites. 也许更令我们难以解释的是,一开始我们缺乏陨石上有富勒烯的坚实证据。
- In summary, these studies provide compelling evidence to support the role of n-3 FA-rich eggs in promoting cardiovascular health. 总之,上述调查研究足以证明,在提高心血管的健康方面,n-3FA鸡蛋有着重要作用。
- "Legislation must meet the principles of good regulation by being proportionate, supported by compelling evidence and fit for purpose. “立法机构必须通过适当的、强有力的、满足目的的证据的支持,进行适当的管理。”
- The systematic review found no compelling evidence that UTI had a confounding influence on detection of proteinuria or albuminuria. 该系统回顾未发现表明UTI对蛋白尿或白蛋白尿的检测有干扰作用的令人信服的证据。
- Scientists have produced compelling evidence that a virus known to cause cancer in animals is linked to prostate cancer in humans. 科学家发现强有力的证据证明一种导致动物患癌症的病毒与人类的前列腺癌有关。
- More research needs to be done, but these results present the first compelling evidence that air pollution may play a role in causing some birth defects. 虽然还需要做更多的研究,但这些研究结果首次提供了令人信服的证据,表明空气污染在造成某些出生缺陷时可能起了作用。
- Although there is no compelling evidence so far that our Earth was visited by extraterrestrial beings, astronomers do believe that we are not alone in the Universe. 虽然至今仍未有证据证实外星人曾到访地球,但天文学家相信地外生命是存在的。
- Also, while compelling evidence appears to support the notion that low vitamin D is unhealthy, less data exist to signal that increasing consumption will improve health status. 同样,更多的证据支持缺乏维生素D有害健康的观点,但是目前能证实补充维生素D有利健康的数据还是较少的。
- Evidence for supersymmetry at high energy would be compelling evidence that string theory was a good mathematical model for Nature at the smallest distance scales. 高能量超对称性的证据将令人信服表明弦理论对于自然界在最小的距离范围内是一个很好的数学模型。
- Chinese Early Cretaceous birds, as well as arboreal dinosaurs of the same age in China, also provide compelling evidence for the arboreal hypothesis of the origin of avian flight. “恐龙下树”的假说结合了鸟类起源于恐龙的学说和鸟类飞行的树栖起源学说,因此也得到了化石证据的支持。
- Therefore, when Mojzsis's graphite samples clustered around 3.7 percent, it made perfect sense for him to declare them compelling evidence for the oldest known life on earth. 而由于莫契斯的石墨样本聚积了约3.;7%25的轻碳,对他来说已经是完美的证据,足以说明这就是地球已知最古老的生命。
- Although no compelling evidence for relativity violations has emerged to date, comparatively few types of relativity violations have been studied so far. 虽然至今仍未出现相对论违逆的强力证据,但目前也只有研究过少数几类的相对论违逆。
- Others say they need not reflect a loss until there is compelling evidence of a decline in value, such as a downgrade of the investments' credit rating. 其它机构则表示,在拥有价值下降的明确证据之前,例如投资信贷评级的下调,它们无须将亏损入账。
- In the past few years, however, new satellite images have provided much more compelling evidence that stable, Earthlike conditions prevailed on Mars for long periods. 然而过去几年来,来自轨道卫星的新影像又提供了更多引起注意的证据,显示火星上曾是类似地球的稳定环境,而且持续了很长一段时间。
- Scientists have found compelling evidence that the Sun has a baby brother, a dark star whose eccentric orbit is responsible for periodically showering the Earth with comets and meteorites. 科学家们已发现明显的迹象表明:太阳有一个小弟弟,它是一颗暗星,其偏心轨道导致彗星群和流星雨周期性降落地球。
- Louis Saha provided further compelling evidence of his right to keep Ruud van Nistelrooy sitting on the sidelines with a matchwinning double for Manchester United at The Hawthorns. 本轮萨哈在山楂球场的梅开二度足以说服所有人把范尼继续放在板凳上了。