- The minimal ideal of a commutative semigroup, when it exists, is a group. 交换半群的极小理想如果存在的话是个群。
- The Connection of the Locally Compact Commutative Semigroup and Infinite Closed Subsemigroup 局部稠密的交换半群与无限闭子半群的关系
- quasi - commutative semigroup 拟交换半群
- commutative semigroup 交换半群
- The tensor product of weakly commutative semigroups and separative semigroups 弱交换半群的张量积与可分半群的张量积
- To satisfy or engage in a commutative operation. 直接转换符合或从事交换操作
- The central notion in commutative algebra is that of a prime ideal. 交换代数中最核心的概念就是素理想。
- The latter two published a monograph on semigroup theory in 1961. 后面二人在 1961 年出版了半群理论的专论。
- A construction theorem for such semigroup is obtained. 给出该类半群的一个构造定理.
- Sufficient and neccessary conditions for a semigroup S in whicheach left or right translation is idempotent are given. As a corrollary, when S is commutative, its structure is described. 给出了半群中每左平移或右平移均为幂等元的充分必要条件.;作为推论,得出了此类交换半群的一个结构刻划
- The groups of the solvable equations are commutative. 可解方程的群都是交换群。
- It should be clear that vector addition is commutative. 可清楚地看0剑0矢量加法满足对易律。
- Abstract: Sufficient and neccessary conditions for a semigroup S in which each left or right translation is idempotent are given.As a corrollary, when S is commutative, its structure is described. 摘 要: 给出了半群中每左平移或右平移均为幂等元的充分必要条件.;作为推论,得出了此类交换半群的一个结构刻划
- It follows that every nonempty periodic semigroup has at least one idempotent. 得出了所有非空周期半群都有至少一个幂等元。
- A semigroup generated by a single element is said to be monogenic (or cyclic ). 被一个单一元素生成的半群叫做 单基因 的(或 循环 的)。
- A semigroup is said to be periodic if all of its elements are of finite order. 半群被称为 周期性 的,如果所有它的元素有着有限次序。
- Cochran theorem is extened over the non commutative Euclid ring with 1. 在有1的非交换Euckld环上拓广了Cochran定理
- Let R be a finite commutative local ring and K the residue field of R. 令R为有限交换局部环;K为其剩余类域;令|K|=q.
- Successive Adaptations are merged in a commutative and associative way. 通过一种可交换的相关联的方式来合并连续的适配操作。
- Overloaded operators are never assumed to be associative or commutative. 重载的运算符总不具有结合性或交换性。