- During the historical period when man's freedom needs development community ethic should develop along the direction of quasi-ethic and individual ethic so asto play its regulative role well. 在人的自由需要不断发展的历史时期,群体伦理要想更好的发挥调节作用,理应向类伦理、个体伦理发展。
- During the historical period when man's freedom needs development, community ethic should develop along the direction of quasi-ethic and individual ethic so asto play its regulative role well. 在人的自由需要不断发展的历史时期,群体伦理要想更好的发挥调节作用,理应向类伦理、个体伦理发展。
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。
- He worked in community welfare department. 他在社会福利部工作。
- Under the background of the culture of special human relations in China, communication ethics can acquire long-lasting vitality with its vaster value and idea. 在中国特有的“人伦”文化传统的背景下,交往伦理能够以其更为广阔的价值与意涵获得持久的生命力。
- Here is a local Jewish community. 这是当地犹太人的一个社区。
- A member of a convent or other religious community. 修道院住院修士修道院或其他宗教团体成员
- He is ill reputed in the business community. 他在商界名声不好。
- Mrs. White is earnest about community work. 怀特太太对社区工作十分热心。
- We visited the Chinese community in San Francisco. 我们访问了旧金山的华人社区。
- The community's prime need is a new school. 这个社区的第一需要是一所新学校。
- He did it for the good of the community. 他为了公众的利益而做这件事。
- The dwelling place of such a community. 修道院这种团体居住的场所
- The male members of a community or family. 男人社区或家庭的男性成员
- Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts. 我们的职业道德要求我们要保持中立,报道事实真相。
- Has good workmanship standard and work ethic. 具有良好的技术标准和工作热情。
- Job is available for spouse on campus and in the community. 校园里和社区里有配偶可做的工作。
- The money will go to finance a new community centre. 这些钱将用来资助一个新社区中心。
- They instilled the work ethic into their children. 他们在孩子们的心中注入了职业道德的理念。
- Ethic is a branch of philosophy. 伦理是哲学的一个分支。