- Therefore, how to achieve communication quality at 2kb/s is a very important research issue. 因此,研究如何在2kb/s 获得具有通信质量的重建语音是语音编码中一个十分重要的课题。
- The performance of the MUX/DMUX is very important to influence the communication quality of the WDM system. 其性能的优劣对波分复用系统的传输质量有决定性影响。
- However, communication quality of MIP degrades because of its high signaling overhead and its long handover delay. 比如说基本移动IP协议中,注册信令开销太大的问题:切换时延太长,丢包率大的问题等等。
- Using TCM/QAM coding technique and DMT modulating technology enhances communication quality. 利用TCM/QAM编码技术和DMT调制技术提高通信质量。
- The synchronization of Iub between RNC and Node Bs has great meaning in improving interface performance and upgrading communication quality. RNC和Node B之间的Iub接口同步对于改善接口的性能、提高通信质量有很重要的意义。
- Whether implementations of the Neighbor Discovery are conformance to the protocol will affect the communication quality of computer networks. 邻居发现协议的实现是否与协议标准相一致将直接影响到整个IPv6网络的通信质量,是IPv4网络向IPv6顺利过渡的有效保证。
- Adaptive algorithms are applied to real-time stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation to improve the communication quality of teleconference. 将自适应算法应用于实时立体声回波对消,以提高电话会议的通信质量。
- Cooperative relaying can combat multi-path fading and shadowing effect in wireless networks to enhance communication quality and bandwidth efficiency. 采用中继传输能够抵抗无线信道的多径衰落,克服阴影效应,从而增强通信质量,提高频谱效率。
- The impersonally evaluation of the speech communication quality is an important problem in acoustic technology research domain. 摘要语音通信质量客观评估方法是当前声学技术研究领域的一个重要课题。
- Electromagnetic waves produced by solar flares may disturb the ionosphere and interfere with radio signals, resulting in degraded communication quality. 太阳耀斑放出的电磁波会引致电离层急剧变化,干扰无线电讯号,大大降低通讯的质素。
- In modern communication system, the inter-symbol interference (ISI) caused by non-ideal character of channel is the main factor which affect communication quality. 现代通信系统中,由于信道的非理想特性而引起的码间干扰(ISI)是影响通信质量的一个主要因素。
- IP micro-mobility is one of the mobility management methods that can improve the communication quality during movement of mobile nodes.Handoff management is its key technology. IP微移动是一种能够在移动过程中有效改善移动节点通信质量的移动性管理方式,其核心部分为切换管理。
- Background noise can destroy the intrinsic acoustical characteristic and model parameter of sound signals, so that deteriorates the communication quality of sound. 背景噪声破坏了语音信号原有的声学特征和模型参数,降低语音通信质量。
- Communication and cooperation: skills are not difficult, but how to do effective communicate quality? 沟通与合作:技巧好学,但有效地在组织间沟通质量却是另一回事,该怎么做?
- SP2.1: Communicate quality issues and ensure resolution of noncompliance issues with the staff and managers. 中文大意是:发现的问题要客观地被跟踪、沟通并解决。
- Fast DCA enables adaptive allocation and handover of resource units to guarantee QoS, according to the monitoring results of communication quality of both dedicated and shared traffic channels. 快速DCA可根据对专用业务信道或共享业务信道通信质量监测的结果,自适应地对资源单元进行调配和切换,以保证业务质量。
- To deal with the problem of how to improve communication quality in optical wireless communication, a method integrating spreading spectrum and convolutional encoding is been put forward. 针对大气激光通信中如何克服信道中不利影响问题,提出了一种将扩展频谱和卷积编码结合起来的方法。
- This article introduces the configuration of ADSL technology and analyzes the requirement in communication quality and channel of the railway communication by railway management information system. 介绍了ADSL技术的设备构成,从通信质量和通信通道等方面,分析了铁路管理信息系统对铁路通信的要求,重点探讨了ADSL技术在铁路管理信息系统应用的可行性。
- In addition, in the research both high-involvement or low-involvement subjects are not obviously influenced by communicator quality factors. 另外,本研究发现高、低涉入度受测者皆并未明显受到传播者特质因素的影响。
- Bacillus subtilis Strain TL2 was proved to be able to colonize in different tissues inside the tea plant, and the community quality and diversity index of the endophytic bacteria were both decreased in tea plant with the time after inoculated. 摘要枯草芽孢菌株TL2接种茶树后,可以从茶树不同组织分离到细菌,其细菌种群数量随着时间逐渐减少,其细菌多样性系数也随着时间有所降低。