- Myself primary cognizance leadership high-end communication product, like product and so on intelligent handset software works. 本人主要负责领导高端通讯产品,如智能手机等产品的软件工作。
- With the development of information technology and the depreciate of communication products, lead the mobile phone become an necessary product for many people. 随着信息技术的发展和通信产品的降价,对大多数人来说移动电话已经变成了一种必需品。
- The enterprise dalian dagong leeta technic co., ltd. deal in Communication products. 提供关于通信产品的信息,请您拨打0411-6575599,电话垂询。
- The communal product that the government offers includes to be mixed corporeally aeriform. 政府提供的公共产品包括有形的和无形的。
- Advanced non-conductive plating technology is widely used in the communication products. 先进的不导电电镀技术,广泛应用于通讯产品。
- With the develpment of the imformation techique and the depreciate of the communicate product, Mobile phones become necessaries for most people. 随着信息技术的发展和通信产品的降价,对大多数人来说移动电话已经变成了一种必需品。
- Every year, Bird uses 6% of the revenue for developing the outstanding advanced technology mobile communication products. 波导每年把销售收入的6%25用于自主研发,经过多年的发展,波导在移动通讯终端产品的开发上具备了国内一流水平。
- Many wirelesses apply to product, communicate product and number''''s product want come into America market, all request FCC De approbation. 许多无线电应用产品、通讯产品和数字产品要进入美国市场,都要求 FCC 的认可。
- Many communication products such as SOHO router,ADSL modem,T1/E1 terminal equipment and ATM line card can be developed based on this platform. 基于此平台可以开发诸如SOHO路由器、ADSL modem、T1/E1终端、ATM线卡等通信产品。
- "Highway is overweighted " the communal product that because depend on highway institute having,uses at all (or accurate communal product) attribute. “公路超载”的根本动因在于公路所具有的公有产品(或准公共产品)属性。
- We adopt the latest technology and advanced equipment to each kind of lens of communication products panel of DVD、MD、DC、DV lens ring and keypress. 各种通讯类产品镜片、DVD、MD、DC、DV的面板、镜头圈、按键等,采用最新工艺,配合先进的设备,采用真空镀膜及磁控溅射的方法替代传统电镀,镀层为镍、铬、合金、铝、不锈钢、铜等。
- Company-led IP network phone, PIAT Communications Product gross margin of 40% or more, accounting for more than 80 percent domestic market share. 公司主导IP网络电话, PIAT通信产品毛利率达40%25以上,占据国内80%25以上的市场份额。
- Transparent displays are ideal for markets in which design aesthetics are a crucial component in communicating product innovation and quality. 设计美学是通讯产品创新和质量的重要组成部分,因此,透明显示器是这类市场的理想之选!
- Optical communication products need a friend please contact me! (For example: fiber optic patch cords, PDH, fiber boxes, chassis cabinets, etc. 有需要光通信产品的朋友请与我联系!(例如:光纤跳线,光端机,光纤盒,机箱机柜等等)
- Acton is one of the most innovative providers of communication products in the industry with over two decades of manufacturing experiences. 美商艾科腾具有二十年的网路产品制造经验,是网路及通讯工业里的产品革新提供者。
- This architecture allows design parti cipants to access and communicate product information visually and without the l imitation of heterogeneous environment. 这个体系结构是基于开放数据标准的 ,允许用户在各种不同平台上访问和可视化产品信息。
- Dinxingtong provides valuable digital communication productions for customers and increasingly became the partner trusted by suppliers and the distributer adored by market. 信通为消费者提供了富有价值的数码通信产品,迅速成为供应商信赖的合作伙伴和市场推崇的分销企业。
- Below processing eye shot, the supply of communal product presents the place give a kind of principal part condition of polycentric of diversity of multivariate, means, system. 治理视野下,地方公共产品的供给呈现出一种主体多元、方式多样、制度多中心的状态。
- The blame exclusiveness of communal product and blame are emulative and " hitchhike " phenomenal existence, caused the difficult problem that communal product furnishs. 公共产品的非排他性和非竞争性以及“搭便车”现象的存在,导致了公共产品供给的难题。
- As a professional OEM service supplier, we can provide SMT manufacturing and assembly service on wireless communication products for both domestic and overseas companies. 我们是专注于OEM代工产业的专业服务提供商,始终致力于为国内外企业提供无线通信产品的SMT/生产组装。