- The money will go to finance a new community centre. 这些钱将用来资助一个新社区中心。
- The meeting will be held in the community centre. 会议将在社区活动中心举行。
- It's at the community centre near my place. 在我寓所附近的社区中心。
- Woodgreen Community Centre of Tor. 活贤社区中心。
- DAP Teratai Community Centre is now Open! 行动党莲花苑社区中心开幕了!
- Open house of DAP Teratai Community Centre. 莲花苑社区中心春节团拜。
- Advanced new friends visit the Shing Mun, UNITA Communication Centre Street, a photo, film life, engage in Pen. Looking for a friend. Topic of interest can be discussed here. 新朋友光临先进城门报道;街盟交际中心;发照片;拍生活;搞自拍.;找朋友
- Will act as a communication centre responsible for collecting and releasing important information to the community. 则会成为通讯中枢,负责接收及向市民发放重要消息。
- The community centre was set up under the auspices of a government initiative. 在政府的大力支持下社区中心建成了。
- The focus was on communication between the Emergency Response Centre of the CHP and the various command and communication centres of the parties concerned, he said. 演习集中于生防护中心的紧急应变中心与其他参与演习的部门的指挥及通讯中心的联系。
- By marrying broadband systems with radar, cars will be turned into mobile communication centres. 通过把宽带以及雷达系统集成一体化,车辆将成为移动的通信中心。
- Argentina has requested his extraditionin connection with the bombing of a Jewish community centre in Buenos Aires. 该名外交官被阿根廷指责与引渡阿根廷犹太人社区中心爆炸案罪犯有关。
- Therefore the MOC is the central Command, Control and Communications Centre to direct Games operations when necessary. 因此,主运行中心是在必要情况下指导奥运会运行的中央指挥、控制和联络中心。
- Argentina has requested his extradition in connection with the bombing of a Jewish community centre in Buenos Aires. 该名外交官被阿根廷指责与引渡阿根廷犹太人社区中心爆炸案罪犯有关.
- Final product by the participants from Newman College , Holy Trinity College , Caritas Community Centre (Ngau Tau Kok). 新民书院、宝血会上智英文书院、明爱牛头角社区中心组员合作成果。
- Residents may approach the Pek Kio Community Centre from 1pm to 10pm daily to enquire about these schemes. 居民可前往白桥民众联络所询问详情及申请。联络所的开放时间是每天下午一时至晚上十时。
- This Community Centre offers an emergency food bank, community support services such as rent assistance, school supplies for children in need. 该社区中心提供应急食品储藏库及社区支援服务如租房援助,或为贫困儿童提供学习用品。
- Within a couple of months,they had bought a house together and by A pril Bushnell had started a new job as a resource officer at a community centre. 几个月后,他们一起买了一所房子。四月,布什内尔开始在一个社区中心当资料管理员。
- The successful regional publications produced in Hong Kong underline its strong position as a financial,industrial,trading and communications centre. 在本港印行的多种亚洲区书刊,也十分畅销,反映香港作为金融、工商和通讯业中心的重要地位。
- A reflected signal on a communication channel. 一种在通信信道上反射回来的信号。