- Graphite is the most common form of carbon. 碳最常以石墨的形态存在。
- Update (U) locks prevent a common form of deadlock. 更新锁(U锁)可以防止常见的死锁。
- Generalized tetanus is the most common form. 全身性破伤风是最常见的形式。
- Its most common form, or isotope, has 146 neutrons. 它最常见的形式或者同位素有146个中子。
- Marijuana is a common form of the drug. 大麻是麻醉品中普通的一种。
- The most common form is buy one, get one free. 最常见的形式就是“买一送一”。
- The most common form is called type two diabetes. 最平常的一种糖尿病类型是二号类型。
- This is the most common form of piracy. 软偷这是最常见的软件盗版形式。
- Skirmishing' is the most common form of play. 与此同时,就像俗语所说:'魔鬼存在于细节之中'。
- The most common form of relief printing is woodcut. 最常见的凸版印刷形式是木刻印版。
- Conversely, Taxol did not significantly help women whose tumors were HER-2 negative and were being helped to grow by estrogen. This is the most common form of the disease. 相反,对于HER-2阴性且在雌激素的作用下生长的肿瘤,泰素没有显著疗效。而这种肿瘤是乳腺癌最常见的类型。
- As far as I know, the common form of payment for technical know- how is a combination of an initial payment and royalty. 据我们所知,支付技术诀窍的最常用办法是初期付款和提成付款相结合。
- The commonest form of treatment is heating. 最常见的处理方式是加热。
- Motor vehicle fatalities were the most common form of alcohol-related deaths. 酗酒后最常导致的恶果就是交通事故引起的死亡。
- The piecewise corrected current generator also forms negative feedback to improve the line regulation and power supply rejection(PSR). 该分段线性电流产生电路还形成了一个负反馈,以改善带隙基准源的电源抑制和线性调整率。
- Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women in this country. 乳腺癌是这个国家妇女中最常见的一种癌症。
- Conflict is a common form of human mutuality of antagonism in organization. 冲突是组织中常见的一种对抗性的人际互动形式。
- This is the common form of plague manifestation and is termed bubonic plague. 这是常见的鼠疫类型的病徵,又称为腺鼠疫。
- The most common form looks like a small, round berry hanging from the artery. 最通常的形式看起来像是挂在动脉上的一个小的圆的浆果。
- In dry AMD, the more common form, tiny yellow deposits form beneath the macula. 以干性AMD为常见,位于黄斑下面小的黄色点,但不存在与湿性AMD。