- A common view or general report. 舆论共同的意见或普遍的传闻
- We have reached a common view on this matter before. 此前我们已经对这件事达成了共识。
- Of course,our entire Party should hold a common view and be of one mind. 当然,我们全党应该有一个统一的主意,应该有一个主见。
- Of course, our entire Party should hold a common view and be of one mind. 当然,我们全党应该有一个统一的主意,应该有一个主见。
- Common struggle and common experience have given birth to common views and common language. 共同的斗争和共同的经历产生了共同的观点和共同的语言。
- A common view of traditional life, particularly organized religion, as primitive and nonsensical. 一般对传统生活的看法,特别是有组织的宗教,通常被视为原始和荒谬的。
- Therefore it was often sneered at by people with common views on account of its unsuitability for trifling things. 它不是做这些小玩意儿的,所以常常就遭到世俗的讥讽。”
- Cellini, awaken goldsmith, using his courage and ambition, challenges the common views and authorities. 追求社会认可和名誉。
- Transform common view into action, by the faith of service- quality leadership, spur to teamwork. 以服务为信念,化共识为行动-优质领导,激发团结。
- This teaching is the exact opposite of the common view that the body is "put off" to free the immortal soul with in. 这个教训与普通的观点认为身体解脱就能释放出内在不朽灵魂的大众观点是恰恰相背的。
- That result fits in with the common view of the euro zone as having a less flexible and nimble economy than America. 人们普遍认为美国经济要比欧元区经济更具有弹性且灵活,而该结果也正好与之吻合。
- These findings qualify the common view that economic growth unleashes myriad discontents. 这些发现,纠正了一个普遍观点,即经济发展使人们尽情宣泄不满。
- This, of course, hinges on religious leaders agreeing on a common view and working towards the same purpose. 不必说,要做到这点,就有赖宗教领袖取得共识,朝一致的方向前进。
- If the common view condition is good enough, two missions will be tracked using same-beam delta-VLBI method. 在共视条件允许的情况下,双卫星同波束差分VLBI观测将被用来对这些卫星进行精密定轨观测。
- A common view among the participants is that the training is fruitful and rewarding and will serve as a good reference for their future work. 学员普遍认为,这次牧草培训收获很大,学到了很多知识,对今后的工作有很好的借鉴作用。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- A common view shared by the three main schools of western criminological theorists casts special emphasis on protection of individual right of liberty. 西方犯罪学三大流派有一个共同点,就是在其预防犯罪的理论中都特别强调对个人自由权利的保护。
- Although the tit-for-tat games forever, but this time the two have a lot of common views, such as those in the low level of unemployment in the league's coach of the treatment. 虽然在赛场上永远针锋相对,但此刻两人也有不少共同的见解,比如那些在低级别联赛中失业教练的待遇问题。
- At present, the most common view is that dark matter is made of one or more elementary particles other than the usual electrons, protons, and neutrons. 目前,最通常的观察暗物质是由一个或更多个不同于平常的电子,质子和中子基本粒子组成。
- The common view from the exchange of the difference moralities is the needs for the society common flourishing and the medicine developing. 不同伦理思想的交流中形成的某种共识和趋同,是社会共荣和医学发展的需要。