- common source and base 共源共基
- The Hezhen nationality in our country and Nanai in Russia were originally of common source and ancestor, with 300 years national history development (17-20th century). 我国的赫哲族和俄罗斯境内的那乃人原本同宗同源,至今拥有300余年的历史发展进程(17至20世纪),其中前150年共同处于我国清王朝的统治之下,是一个完整的民族共同体。
- Coming from a common source; akin. 同宗的来自于共同祖先的; 同血亲的
- Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off. 名誉如河流,发源处最狭,愈远愈宽广。
- Highlight source and press select to show the camera selection menu. 使Source变亮并按Select显示摄像机选择菜单。
- Coming from a common source;akin. 同宗的来自于共同祖先的;同血亲的
- Plug up holes in terms of source and system. 从源头上、制度上堵塞漏洞。
- Word retains the data source and field information. Word会保留数据源和域的信息。
- IO error on both the source and destination disks. 源磁盘和目标磁盘上的IO错误。
- Atlantic crab; most common source of fresh crabmeat. 大西洋产的螃蟹;新鲜蟹肉的最普通的来源。
- Source and destination reseller are the same! 源代理和目标代理相同!
- Structural Geology( A) is a brach subject and base of geology,. 构造地质学A》是一门地质专业基础课,研究的对象是地壳或岩石圈中、尺度的地质构造。
- Ultra Bright LED as light source and is an. 灯为光源的水晶吊牌。
- Dowels locate the cap and base for correct assembly. 定位销则将座罩和基础准确定位,保证组装正确。
- A branch operation has a source and a target. 分支操作有一个源和一个目标。
- Class using the specified service provider and base component. 使用指定的服务提供程序和基组件初始化。
- The iliac crest is a common source for autologous bone graft. 髂嵴是常用的自体取骨来源。
- Expects a message source and a message number. 期望得到消息源和消息编号。
- Class with the type name and base type name of the editor. 用编辑器的类型名称和基类型名称初始化。
- You are my joyful source and the sidtressed root. 你既是我快乐的源头,亦是我痛心的根源。