- common palmar digital nerves 指掌侧总神经
- Keywords common palmar digital artery;common palmar digital nerve;entrapment of nerves;applied anatomy; 指掌侧总动脉;指掌侧总神经;神经卡压;应用解剖;
- common palmar digital nerve 指掌侧总神经
- Relationship between common palmar digital artery and nerve and its clinical significance 指掌侧总动脉与指掌侧总神经的关系及其临床意义
- 11 cases shared ulnar palmar artery of quinary finger and the third common palmar digital artery, taken up 18.3 per cent; 11例小指尺掌侧固有动脉与第3指掌侧总动脉共干,佔18.;3%25。
- proper palmar digital nerves 指掌侧固有神经
- common palmar digital arteries 指掌侧总动脉(解)Arteriae digitales palmares communes{拉}
- common palmar digital artery 指掌侧总动脉
- Voche P,Ouattara D.End-to-side neurorrhaphy for defects of palmar sensory digital nerves[J].Br J Plast Surg,2005,58(2):239-244. 洪光祥陈振兵.;周围神经端侧缝合的研究进展[J]
- digital nerves of median nerve, palmar, common 指掌侧总神经(正中神经)
- digital nerves of ulnar nerve, palmar, common 指掌侧总神经(尺神经)
- proper palmar digital nerve 指掌侧固有神经
- Total palmar digital nerve 指掌侧总神经
- palmar, common digital nerves of median nerve 指掌侧总神经(正中神经)
- palmar digital nerve 指掌侧固有神经
- The superficial palmar digital veins were anastomosed.And replanted fingertips of all kinds have been studied. 对各类型平面的指尖离断的断指均进行再植。
- palmar, common digital nerves of ulnar nerve 指掌侧总神经(尺神经)
- Methods Adopted with digital artery island flap of anastomosing palmar branch of proper digital nerve to repair fingertip defect. 方法采用缝合指固有神经掌侧支的指动脉岛状皮瓣逆行转移修复指腹缺损。
- Objective To summarize the operation methods and the clinical results of anastomosis of the superficial palmar digital veins in finger replantation. 目的总结吻合指掌侧浅静脉断指再植的手术方法及临床效果。
- Replantation of 20 degloved fingertips of 16 patients were done.The dominant digital arteries and superficial palmar digital veins were anastomosed. 对16例20指指尖脱套性断指,采用逆行法进行再植,尽可能地吻合优势侧指动脉,多吻合指掌侧静脉。