- common law negligence actions [法] 普通法上的过失诉讼
- common law negligence action 普通法上的过失诉讼
- The status of a married woman under common law. 有夫之妇的身份普通法中已婚妇女的身份
- You have the grounds for a negligence action. 你有理由提起过失之诉。
- In common law any degree of contributory negligence would bar the plaintiff from collecting damages. 在普通法中,任何程度的共同过失都会成为原告获得损失补偿的障碍。
- Common law has no statutory basis. 习惯法没有成文法基础.
- The common law continues to apply. 普通法继续适用。
- Hong Kong adopted the common law. 香港采用普通法。
- The connection between common law and Roman law. 第一节:论证英美法和罗马法的联系。
- The common law in Scotland is based on precedent. 苏格兰普通法是建立在判例体系基础上的。
- It was an essential of the common law crime of larceny. 它是构成普通法中的盗窃罪的必要条件。
- Robbery and murder are both offences against the common law. 抢劫和谋杀都是违反普通法的。
- The concept of due process is rooted in English common law. 正当程序概念来源于英国的普通法。
- The rule of law prevails,along with our common law system. 香港仍以普通法为基础推行法治。
- In common law, such duty is called "fiduciary duty". 在英美法上,这种义务称作信义义务(fiduciary duty)。
- Contract law has its sources in both common law and statute. 合同法的渊源来自于普通法和制定法。
- The rule of law prevails, along with our common law system. 香港仍以普通法为基础推行法治。
- Introduction of the Common Law should res ipsa loquitur of the way. 应该引进英美法中的事实自证的证明方式。
- There are a number of contracts that are illegal at common law. 按照普通法有很多合同不合法。
- It also includes statutory, common law and equitable claims. 争议还包括依据法令、习惯法和衡平法提出的索赔。