- common fault of quality 质量通病
- The common fault of "Mass Media Age" is lengthiness and roughness. “大媒体时代”的标题通病是长和粗。
- The common faults of AK-10 starter were starting hard and unstart. 启动困难和不启动是AK-10型起动机最常见的故障。
- the common faults of quality 质量通病
- The common fault of rolling bearing is wear which is featured with no pulsing signal. 摘要滚动轴承最常见的故障是磨损,磨损类故障的最大特点是无明显的冲击脉冲信号。
- The paper analyzes the common fault of Pulsed Baghose Precipitator with Air Box and gives some measures to solve them. 对气箱脉冲袋式除尘器常见故障进行了分析,并给出了解决办法。
- ECG monitor various hospitals in the country to use more and more.How to protect and handle some common fault of the hospital better protection work. 心电监护仪在国内各级医院的使用越来越多,怎么来维护及处理一些常见故障是医院更好开展工作的保障。
- This article discussed the common fault of Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, the causes of creation and exclusion methods. 摘要本文讨论了原子吸收光谱仪常见的故障、产生原因及排除方法。
- Histograms composed of the product quality data from the product line of transmission are contrastively analysed to make fast diagnosis on common faults of a product line. 摘要利用生产线加工的产品质量数据所生成的直方图进行对比分析来完成变速器生产线的常见故障诊断。
- The article introduces the structure and common fault of main shaft in KJ-type hoister and suggests some ways of fault disposal according to the analysis of the fault. 介绍了KJ型提升机主轴装置的结构及常见故障;针对故障进行认真分析,提出故障的处理方法。
- The prevention against quality common fault of construction column 构造柱质量通病的防治
- It's difficult to recruit teachers of quality. 要聘请到素质好的老师是很困难的。
- The highest degree of quality or excellence. 头等质量或优秀程度最高的
- Durability is one yardstick of quality. 耐久性是质量好坏的一个尺度。
- These shoes are made of quality leather. 这些鞋是用高级皮革制成的。
- He is liable for the fault of his son. 他应该为他儿子的过失负责。
- This paper introduced the common faults of motors for ball mill,analyzed the causes of fault occurence and put forward some measures which should be adopted. 文章介绍了球磨配套电动机的常见故障,分析了产生故障的原因及应采取的措施。
- Common faults of HV -4B C/S analyzer and their causes and troubleshooting are introduced. 介绍HV-4B型碳硫分析仪的常见故障、故障产生的原因及排除方法。
- They became unemployed through no fault of their own. 他们的失业不是由于自身的过失造成的。
- That fault of his is redeemed by his good points. 他那缺点可由他的优点弥补。