- common customs culture 世俗文化
- Do not be a slave to the common customs. 不要做世俗的奴隶。
- Don't be a slave to the common customs. 不要做世俗的奴隶。
- The belief and the legend of the Kitchen God are the outcomes of the common customs livings. She wholly reflects the exuberance and heterogeneousness of the Chinese folk culture. 灶神信仰和传说是民间世俗生活的产物,充分体现了中国民间文化的丰富和驳杂。
- Appear but not the trend that the emotion find sustenance , spiritual distillation change to the common customs even vulgarize more and more in modern festival of China culture. 中国的现代节日文化越来越呈现向世俗化甚至庸俗化而非情感寄托、精神升华转变的趋势。
- In a set operation, the current custom culture is a replacement culture. 在设置操作中,当前自定义区域性是一个替换区域性。
- The capital let you keep the distance with the common customs forever. 资本,让你永远与世俗保持距离。
- Their cultural displays are that the culture depreciate,the value tendency becomes common customs,legal sense become indifferent and so on. 失业人员引发社会治安问题的文化表现主要是文化贬值、价值取向世俗化、法制意识淡薄等。
- The limitation of their range of spouse choosing and economic condition they are in,the fashion of the culture of common custom they uphold both urge them to form core family and the DINK family. 择偶范围的有限性、经济条件的限制性及他们对世俗文化的崇尚促使他们组建核心家庭。
- The TextInfo object that defines the writing system associated with this custom culture. 定义与此自定义区域性关联的书写体系的TextInfo对象。
- A custom culture date and time string can be complicated and difficult to parse. 自定义区域性日期和时间字符串可能很复杂且难以分析。
- When human being gives up the fetter of every common custom and just looks traveling as a sacred and imprescriptible right, then we would add a heavy character to the core place of the human culture. 当人类抛开世俗的羁绊,把旅游当作一种神圣的、不可侵犯的权利时,便在人之为人的文化核心部位添上了重重的一笔。
- A custom culture date and time string can be complicated, and therefore difficult to parse. 自定义区域性日期和时间字符串可能非常复杂,所以很难分析。
- Religious life becomes common customs, religious belief and religious values become moralization. 宗教生活世俗化,宗教信仰道德化,宗教价值观念现代化。
- But by the end of 20C, the Spring Festival's atmosphere began to desalinate, Spring Festival customs culture’s social environment had been damaged. 但历史进入到二十世纪末,春节的年味开始淡化并出现了衰微的迹象,春节年俗文化的社会环境遭到破坏。
- The folk song showed music characteristic and the common custom characteristic of Chan faction. 从俗曲可以窥探到禅宗的世俗性特征与音乐性特征。
- Your custom culture is available until you remove the corresponding. Nlp file from your computer with the Unregister method. 在使用Unregister方法从计算机上移除相应的.;nlp文件之前;都可以使用自定义区域性。
- In a set operation, a circular reference was discovered: the assigned value is an ancestor of the current custom culture. 在设置操作中发现一个循环引用:指定的值是当前自定义区域性的父辈。
- "Then, are you willing to go with me to a happy place to far away from the trammels of common customs?" The flying bird asked sincerely. “那你肯跟我走吗,远离世俗的羁绊,到有欢乐的地方。”飞鸟真诚的问。
- Wilde was so into orientart,he thought the orient art just built such a perfect aesthetic world with"lying",no any reason with common customs he hated. 王尔德热爱东方艺术,他认为东方艺术的美如同一个完全脱离了世俗生活的“谎言”,完好地构筑了一个理想中的美的世界。