- common bile duct verification 胆总管探查
- Endoscopic balloon dilation for the treatment of common bile duct stones. 内镜下取石气囊扩张法治疗胆总管结石。
- At this point you may be able to trace the common bile duct to the duodenum. 在此,你可能可以沿着总胆管,找到十二指肠。
- Mechanical obstruction may require operation for repair of common bile duct stricture or for gallstones. 机械性梗阻可能需要手术以修复胆总管狭窄或除去胆石。
- The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). 肝脏内遍布着胆管,胆管将胆汁运送到一个大的管道(胆总管)里。
- The liver is full of tubes( biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube( the common bile duct). 肝脏内遍布着胆管,胆管将胆汁运送到一个大的管道(总管)。
- Bile is continually secreted from the cells of the liver into the common bile duct and gallbladder. 胆汁经总胆管流入十二指肠,并在胆囊贮存。
- The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir. 胆囊连接着总胆管起着蓄水池的作用。
- Objective To study the effect of laparoscopic common bile duct exploration via choledochotomy and T tube drainage. 目的探讨腹腔镜胆总管切开探查、T管引流治疗胆总管结石的疗效。
- Conclusion affusion-test is utility method to diagnose the distal common bile duct injury in operation. 结论术中胆扩裸露征、注水试验是胆总管远段损伤的有效诊断手段。
- Common bile duct laceration was noted at laparotomy and was successfully treated by choledochotomy and T-tube stent. 开刀剖腹时发现总胆管撕裂伤并且以总胆管切开术及T型成功治疗。
- Conclusion The diagnostic value of ERCP in the recrudescences of common bile duct stoner and its opera... 结论ERCP对胆石症术后的并发症或其症状再发诊断价值高。
- Conclusion The affusion-test is utility method to diagnose the distal common bile duct injury in operation. 结论术中胆扩裸露征、注水试验是胆总管远段损伤的有效诊断手段。
- Methods:Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration,T duct drainage or primary suture were used. 方法:采用腹腔镜下胆总管切开取石,T管引流或一期缝合。
- Conclusion:Ultrasonography plays an important role in diagnosis of lower common bile duct segment. 结论:超声在诊断胆总管下段病变中具有重要的临床应用价值。
- T tubes were placed in 20 cases and the primary sutures of common bile duct were carried out in the remaining cases. 其中胆总管切开取石后置T管引流20例,胆总管切开取石后一期缝合42例。
- Objective:EST in management of common bile duct stones should been popularized and applied in hospital in county. 目的:县市级医院推广应用内镜下乳头肌切开(EST)取石治疗胆总管结石。
- Objective To evaluated the clinical practice value of endoscope treating for common bile duct stone. 目的内镜治疗胆总管结石在外科临床应用的价值。
- Objective:To analyze the treatment effect of endoscopic sphincterotomy(EST) on common bile duct stone. 目的分析内镜下乳头括约肌切开(EST)及取石对总胆管结石的治疗作用。
- Attempt to follow the common bile duct to the duodenum and then examine the body of the stomach and pyloric antrum. 试着从总胆管找到十二指肠,然后检查胃的体部,与幽门窦。