- Protecting the contents of an area of memory by writing to a backing store. 通过写入后备存储器对存储器的内容的保护。
- The industry also is making process in the area of memory. 工业界在存储器领域也取得了进展。
- The industry also is making advances in the area of memory. 工业界在存储器领域也取得了进展。
- common area of memory 存储器公用区
- The common area of two or more layout objects that overlap each other partially or fully on the presentation medium. 在表示媒体上部分或完全重叠的两个或多个布局客体的公共区域。
- Rattle also known as the "fight club flower," is a common area of Taiyuan social activities of the fire. 霸王鞭也称“打花棍”,是太原地区常见的一种社火活动。
- Gross Floor Area includes the Unit Covered Area and the apportioned share of common area of the unit. 建築面積包括單位有蓋面積及單位所分攤的公用地方面積。
- People can have more than one disorder, but reading is the most common area of difficulty. 人们有可能不止一种紊乱,但最常见的是阅读方面的困难。
- Lee couples and their lovely little daughter chose the common area of 144 square metres of residential construction. 李先生夫妇和他们可爱的小女儿共同选择了这套建筑面积144平方米的住宅。
- The database cache is an area of memory used by the database server to store database pages for repeated fast access. 数据库高速缓存是内存中的特定区域,它被数据库服务器用来存储数据库页以供重复的快速访问。
- The stack is a working area of memory that grows and shrinks dynamically with the demands of your executing program. 堆栈是内存的一个工作区,它可根据执行程序的要求动态缩放。
- Clear up refuse or disused articles at home or in common areas of buildings. 清除室内及大公共地方的垃圾及杂物。
- She's suffering from loss of memory. 她患有遗忘症。
- In practice, this requires that the stack be allocated from contiguous area of memory. 这种方式需要堆栈必须分配在连续的内存区域。
- The implementation of reverse logistics of EOL electronic products, therefore, would definitely be the common area of interest for both the governments and enterpreises. 因此,实施废弃电子产品逆向物流是政府和企业必然的、共同的选择。 而如何帮助企业选择一种高效、经济的运作模式,成为一个紧迫的、具有重大现实意义的课题。
- He has lost his faculty of memory. 他失去了记忆力。
- He suffered a temporary loss of memory. 他暂时丧失了记忆。
- You never have to worry about overwriting an area of memory because of an off-by-one error when working with a pointer. 你永远不需要担心由于指针的错误使用导致重写了一块正在使用的内存空间。
- The computer has two million bytes of memory. 该电脑的记忆有两百万单位。
- The first chapter delimits her area of research. 第一章阐明了她的研究领域。