- This type of error is very common among dabblers. 在浅尝者中这类错误很平常。
- These views were common among intellectuals. 这些观点在知识分子中很普遍。
- Mask taboo is common among the public. 禁忌是一种民俗事象 ,广泛存在于人们的生活中 ,面具禁忌便是其中之一。
- This attitude is common among the under-25s. 这种态度在25岁以下的青年中很普遍。
- This is quite common among people of your age. 在您这样岁数的人当中,这可太寻常了。
- Acne is very common among teenagers. 粉刺在青少年中间很常见。
- Burnout is common among teachers. 过度劳累在教师中很常见。
- The genes are more common among Ashkenazi Jews. 这些基因在北欧犹太教徒中更为常见。
- Complications are common among those with weak body resistance. 通常发生在抵抗力较弱者。
- Private libraries also became common among the wealthier Greeks. 私人图书馆在富有的希腊人当中也逐渐增多。
- He next practised asceticism, which was very common among Samanas. 他下一步是实行苦行,在沙门中十分普遍。
- Drinking contests are common among friends, but only for fun. 喝酒比赛在朋友中很普遍,但只是为了开心。
- Risk-taking is not common among the bureaucratically controlled. 在官僚统治的国家里冒险不是一件普通的事情。
- Great executive abilites are not common among leaders. 拥有杰出管理才干的领导人物并不多见。
- The benefit of fortune is common amongst friends . 有福与友共享。
- The benefit of fortune is common amongst friends. 有福与友共享。
- Intermarriage is more common among second-and third-generation Asian-Americans. 异族通婚在第二、三代的亚裔美国人中更为常见。
- This opinion is common among the general population(= ordinary people). 这是人们普遍的看法。
- In the Arab world, cheek kissing is common among friends, relatives and lovers. 可以推出在阿拉伯国家关系密切的人互相之间亲吻脸颊。
- Divorce is increasingly common among Christians. No longer a taboo word. 在基督徒中间,包括华人福音派教会的信徒,离婚越来越普遍。